Chevy Blazer ca·la·ma·ri Squid served as food pygmy 发音 矮子,侏儒 无足轻重的人(或物) filtration the process of filtering a liquid or gas 过滤;滤清;滤除 knock it off 【俚】住口,别吵了 swindle to cheat somebody in order to get something, especially money, from them 诈骗;骗取 bait to place food on a hook, in a trap, etc. in order to attract or catch an animal 下诱饵;在(鱼钩上、陷阱中等)放诱饵 bogus pretending to be real or genuine Whack jobs愚蠢的人 a signed clearance the process of a cheque being paid by a bank (支票的)兑现 keep me in diapers 我留在尿布 drape 发音 帘(尤指窗帘),幔 top-heavy # of an organization 组织 having too many senior staff or managers compared to the number of workers 高级职员过多的;将多兵少的 back rent 欠租 rash an area of red spots on a person's skin, caused by an illness or a reaction to something 皮疹;疹 something of a clean slate 那么一块干净的石板 At that dosage 在该剂量 agoraphobia a fear of being in public places where there are many other people 广场恐怖;旷野恐怖;恐旷症;公共场所恐惧(症) moldings 模具 tics 抽搐 do a week's worth of grocery shopping 1. 采购够一个星期用的日用品 Spearmint Rhino 绿薄荷犀牛 a type of mint used especially in making sweets/candy and toothpaste 留兰香;绿薄荷 on short notice 1. 在很短的时间内 pass code 密码 hit it off (with somebody) (和某人)投缘 pay you back 还给你 Super Fudge Chunk 超级块福吉 shooting fish in a barrel 1. 很容易办到 piqued 发音 (因琐事如未被重视等而)激怒的,不满的,赌气的 reel in 钓上 hubbub the loud sound made by a lot of people talking at the same time 喧闹声;嘈杂声 TV dinner 电视餐(一种冷冻盒装食品,加热后即可食用而不中断看电视) To the business at hand 为了眼前的商业 fad something that people are interested in for only a short period of time 一时的风尚;短暂的狂热 training bras 培训胸罩 Designed for girls who have begun to develop breasts but who have not yet developed enough to compensate for a full cup sized bra. If find the Elita bras are extremely comforable and ideal for training bras. the shower rods teenybopper 发音 * 【俚】少女 * (穿着时髦的)少女流行音乐迷 It's stuffy in here 它的闷啊 Nosy Parker好管闲事的人 stack (通常指码放整齐的)一叠,一摞,一堆 con man a man who tricks others into giving him money, etc. 骗子;欺诈者 flimflam 胡说;荒唐 欺骗 protégé a young person who is helped in their career and personal development by a more experienced person 受提携的后进 cashier roll with anything hyper excited and nervous; having too much nervous energy 既兴奋又紧张的;精力过旺的 coin-op 自助洗衣店(投入硬币,机器自动操作者) 投币电动玩具 piggy bank a container in the shape of a pig, with a narrow opening in the top for putting coins in, used by children to save money 猪形储钱罐;扑满 cue 提示、暗号 strain the back get a cut分一份 two-bit not good or important 不好的;微不足道的;不重要的 runt rude way of referring to a small, weak or unimportant person 小矮个儿;小不点儿 roll up your sleeves 捋起袖子;准备动手;摩拳擦掌 gratuity money that you give to somebody who has provided a service for you 小费;赏钱;报酬 money that is given to employees when they leave their job 退职金;遣散费;退休金 cutie-pie 发音 【口】亲爱的,情人 on the books 1. 有案可查 on call 发音 (尤指医生)随叫随到 neurosis a mental illness in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry 神经机能病;神经官能症;恐惧症 small-time often of criminals 常指罪犯 not very important or successful 不太重要的;不高明的 quack # the sound that a duck makes (鸭子的)呱呱声,嘎嘎声 a person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills 江湖郎中;冒牌医生 footstool a low piece of furniture used for resting your feet on when you are sitting 脚凳(坐时搁脚的矮凳) rationalization 发音 合理化;理性化强辩 senorita 发音 未婚的西班牙小姐 mug shot a photograph of somebody's face kept by the police in their records to identify criminals (供警察局存档的辨认罪犯的)脸部照片 in black and whitein writing or in print 白纸黑字;书写的;印刷的 sloppy containing too much liquid 太稀的 sit tightto stay where you are rather than moving away or changing position 待着不动;守在原地 to stay in the same situation, without changing your mind or taking any action 静观事态变化;不轻举妄动 pediatrics 儿科 sapa stupid person that you can easily trick or treat unfairly 傻瓜;笨蛋 remnant 发音 零料,边角剩料;零头布 sticker a sticky label with a picture or message on it, that you stick on to something 粘贴标签;贴纸 a one-time deal 1. 一锤子买卖 a bowling alley 一个保龄球馆
亲情 是最高超的骗术
意料之外的意料之内;小姑娘像极了ellen page,只是没想到是79年的妞,再来个意外.
1、2、3 nothing
雷德利·斯科特的小品,相当精巧;三主角之间互相的飚戏很是过瘾;这个骗局还真是够完美的,最后的结局倒也算个Happy Ending
hate the ending... 为什么要从良!?应该报复社会才对啊
经常在电影里面看到说杀手有了感情就完蛋了 有了感情的骗子也一样 然而浪子回头永远是最让人温暖的戏码 凯奇的转变和她与安琪拉的互动也同样温暖了我 即使这仅是一个骗局 凯奇平静的说你没有骗我什么 我心甘情愿给你的 瞬间感觉被击中了 我早已知道了你的名字 再见爸爸 凯奇和艾莉森的演技都很赞