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良医妙药 剧照 NO.1良医妙药 剧照 NO.2良医妙药 剧照 NO.3良医妙药 剧照 NO.4良医妙药 剧照 NO.5良医妙药 剧照 NO.6良医妙药 剧照 NO.13良医妙药 剧照 NO.14良医妙药 剧照 NO.15良医妙药 剧照 NO.16良医妙药 剧照 NO.17良医妙药 剧照 NO.18良医妙药 剧照 NO.19良医妙药 剧照 NO.20


本片根据真人真事改编,是美国CBS广播公司旗下电影部门制片的第一部影片。约翰·克罗雷(布兰登·费舍 Brendan Fraser 饰)和妻子艾琳(凯丽·拉塞尔 Keri Russell 饰)育有三个子女,除大儿子之外,另两个孩子都患有庞贝氏症。在二女儿的一次并发症发作濒危抢救后,约翰冲动之下飞去了内布拉斯加大学求见庞贝氏症研究领域中的领先专家罗伯特·斯通希尔教授(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰),并许诺将成立庞贝氏研究基金,支持斯通希尔教授的研究,尽快将理论成果用于药物实践。不通人情的斯通希尔教授为约翰一家的真诚所动,决定辞职与约翰共同建立生化创业公司,致力于庞贝氏症药物的研发。为了给新公司拉投资,约翰不得不克服一系列困难,甚至频频惹恼已经极难相处的斯通希尔教授,全力以赴和死神赛跑…热播电视剧最新电影婚后三十年非常营救爱丽丝城市漫游记为魔起舞:TikTok网红异教大解密出发吧去露营第二季宠爱2024阿妮塔:天后的出身失踪禁地中国轮盘湖边的少女河流如血玩命巔峰维兰德 第二季地狱之旅(原声版)我叫陆仁甲真实身份 正体闪婚总裁契约妻 第1季 命运的玩笑·动态漫糟糕历史第四季辐射陶先生夏夜的微笑天下第一针线2022三位调查员 龙的遗产歌之☆王子殿下:真爱革命心火1986


 1 ) 你工作的价值来于什么地方---工作中不一样的意义!





 2 ) 《良医妙药》(Extraordinary Measures)和背后的真实故事

《良医妙药》(Extraordinary Measures)和背后的真实故事
——“Don't hope for a miracle, make one”
《良医妙药》(Extraordinary Measures)是美国CBS公司下属的CBS电影公司的第一部电影,主演为布兰登•弗雷泽(Brendan Fraser),哈里森•福特(Harrison Ford)。导演是Tom Vaughan。电影将于2010年1月22日在北美地区开始公映。
该片是根据吉塔•阿南德(Geeta Anand)所写的报告文学小说《治疗》(The Cure)改编的。那本书曾经获得了2006年度普利策奖。
电影、文学和现实生活中的主人公约翰•克罗利(John Crowley)是一家生物技术公司的高级主管。他与太太艾琳(Aileen)有三个孩子,两儿一女。1998年,他们发现一儿一女两个孩子都得了一种非常罕见的遗传类疾病:庞贝氏症(Pompe disease)。
可就在此时,约翰意外地在一本医学杂志上发现了一位大学教授Robert Stonehill(哈里森•福特饰)的研究论文,提出了一种治疗这种疾病的新理论。虽然这只还是一种假设,但对克罗利来说,他看到的是两个孩子的希望。
最后新药获得成功,两个孩子渐渐恢复健康! FDA在2006年批准了这种新药。


真实的John Crowley 真实的奇迹
John Crowley and Bill Canfield - before the story was rewritten
现为Amicus Therapeutics 生物技术公司CEO的John Crowley John Crowley和新泽西州长

 2007年John Crowley创立的Amicus Therapeutics 生物技术公司在纳斯达克上市

John Crowley的事业——真实世界的曲折 
 John Crowley为了寻找拯救孩子的药物建立的最早的公司。
Genzyme和Novazyme Pharmaceuticals在2001年 8月7日宣布了最终合并协议。根据协议,Novazyme归Genzyme所有,是Genzyme的一部分。Genzyme希望合并能显著地提升他们在酶替代疗法领域的领导地位。
    Novazyme最优秀的产品为NZ-1001,是一种治疗庞帕氏病(Pompe disease)的酶替代疗法,2001年末进入临床试验。这是一种高度磷酸化和适度糖基化形式的重组人α-葡糖苷酶,其临床前研究结果令人鼓舞。Genzyme将继续努力推进NZ-1001的研究进展,同时将继续完成自身开发的用于治疗庞帕氏病的酶替代疗法的II期临床试验,这种疗法是Genzyme和Pharming Group N.V 合作开发的。
    Genzyme的主席兼首席执行官Henri A. Termeer说,“收购Novazyme与我们的宗旨——为病人开发最好的产品——相一致。Novazyme开发了很有前景的蛋白技术平台,正好互补了我们的技术,这一技术将为我们开发改进溶酶体贮存紊乱疾病疗法产生深远的影响。”
    Novazyme的主席兼首席执行官John F. Crowley说,“Novazyme 和 Genzyme有着共同的理想——将最好的药尽可能快的送到病人手中。Genzyme优秀的组织结构,雄厚的资源及遗传病领域丰富的经验都将强有力的支持和加速我们技术和产品的开发。这次合并不仅对患者很重要,股东也可从中得到极好的回报,我们肩负的使命更多了。”

 美国FDA批准庞培氏病(Pompe)的首个药物 Myozyme
FDA当天批准了Myozyme(通用名:alglucosidase alfa, rhGAA)的生物制品许可申请(biologics license application,BLA),Myozyme是首个治疗庞培氏病(Pompe)的药物。Myozyme已被批准为FDA指定罕见病药,并被批准优先审查。罕见病产品的开发,用于治疗在美国影响少于20万人的罕见疾病或症状,《罕见病药品法》(Orphan Drug Act)给获得一个指定罕见病药上市批准的首个申请者提供了7年的市场独占期。
Genzyme公司的新药在四个不同的治疗庞贝氏症候选药物对比选出,John Crowley的Novazyme公司的原型试验对象被最终放弃。
5、2001年美国联邦贸易委员会对Genzyme公司与Novazyme 公司合并的调查:
………该委员会还对健赞公司(Genzyme)与基因酶公司(Novazyme) 20世纪90年代末的兼并案开展了调查,但该调查在2001年布什政府的影响下,美联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)以3比1的投票结果结束了对基因酶(Genzyme)公司收购诺伐酶(Novazyme)公司事件的调查
6、John Crowley离开Genzyme后创立的amicus公司现今因新药研发受阻面临困境:
路透纽约10月2日电---综合性生物制药公司Amicus Therapeutics Inc 周五在美股盘後交易中暴跌33.4%,至5.66美元,此前该公司表示,其治疗高雪氏症(Gaucher)的药物Plicera在第二阶段的研究中未能如期完成,且预期该药物将不能进行第三阶段研究。

尽管如此,Amicus公司做为为数不多的一家为了稀少遗传病研制新药的公司,John Crowley和他的团队(有些人多年跟随)知其不可而为之精神值得所有人尊敬。

——“Don't hope for a miracle, make one”


 3 ) Seize the time!

这句话在影片中有很深的含义,一面告诉我们要珍惜眼前的幸福,另一面告诉我们时不我待。在决定准备考托以后看了这个片子,感觉很震撼。许多事是天定的,但还没轮到老天来决定的时候,机会就在我们手里!Just do it!

 4 ) Make It Pink




科学家倔强,难以沟通,死要面子,最后终于也自称Uncle Bob。。爸爸帮6岁的儿子丢面包喂鸭子;妈妈温柔地讲海绵宝宝的故事,但是三个孩子一旦吵闹绝对一视同仁,纪律严明。女儿最强悍,在同学们面前依然像个小公主一般,根本就看不出来身患重病,她相信她的爸爸会造出神奇的药来治好她和弟弟,并且下命令说要做成深粉红色,因为浅粉红色是给婴儿的,她已经长大了!

生命是神奇的,所有基因信息是复杂而有序的,一旦出现丝毫的偏差,生命就危在旦夕,就像让片中父母们忧心的Pompe Disease。影片最后两个孩子天正无邪的笑声让父母愕然,原来那是Suger High,体内多余的糖分终于被分解了,孩子们自然的High。这是生命的喜悦。

父母对孩子的爱是纯粹而强烈的,我们深知这一点但依然喜欢被一遍又一遍的真实诠释所感动。小女儿曾对爸爸说,You‘re a business man. 这句话在我看来略带贬义,商人总是无情,就像随后的情节展现出医药研发企业的冷漠无情和逐利本质,可是当那个高层最后说了一句,我不喜欢别人说我heartless,我们也终于看到他内心被真情所动。因为伟大的爱,奇迹来临。


感谢这部影片给我带来的感悟。Let's make it pink, the hope, the life, the love.

 5 ) 父爱无疆




当John和Stonehill的研究室被收购,在新公司里被排挤,John请来同样有Pompe患儿的家庭到公司讲述孩子的情况。Pompe disease的孩子们,一个个躺在轮椅里,手耷拉着,连呼吸都需要依赖外界,看着让人心疼。尤其是抱在怀里,只有四个月大的Megan,表面看上去很正常,却同样被Pompe折磨着。患儿的父母们,真心诚意的感谢为Pompe特效药儿辛勤研究的工作者。John通过这样的方式,让研究特效药的研究员们感受到,自己所肩负的责任,他们不仅是科学研究,更是拯救无数拥有梦想的孩子们。







Extraordinary Measures

Page 1 Introducing the protagonist who is in charge of marketing of medicine for kids and has prepared a lot of presents for his kid. Meanwhile, the housewife reads a book to his son, which is interrupted by the fighting between two kids, one of whom is happily on a wheelchair and is about to have her 8 years old birthday party.

Page 3 The protagonist is having a hard time getting home because of the busy traffic. Meanwhile, although it’s very inconvenient to transport the kids on the wheelchairs, they are very happy. They can even play Bolin ball on the wheelchair.

Page 4 The daughter is not happy that his father is not there until he made the last minute. At night, after the dad tucks his children in bed, he starts to do research on the Pompe Disease, trying to find a cure for his children. Ticking clock appears: research shows that children with Pompe Disease can only live for 9 years, while the daughter is already 8. But he has found a new theory founded by Dr. Stonehill and he calls him right away. But the doctor is so preoccupied with his research that it takes him forever to fix the telephone line, which causes the father to think that the doctor is rude. (INITIAL CONTACT ALWAYS DOESN'T END WELL)

Page 9 An intimate moment between husband and wife after the nurse is gone. In fact, they are intimate with each other until the next morning when the nurse is back. Unfortunately, the girl is not doing well.

Page 11 During work, the wife calls to tell him that the daughter is not doing in the hospital. When he came to the hospital from work, the daughter is moving to the ICU as her condition deteriorates. (OPPORTUNITY: WORST THING HAPPEN FOR THE KIDS)

Page 13 The doctor explains to the parents about the disease. He thinks that Megan doesn’t have a lot of time left because of the lack of treatment. As they accompany the daughter, suddenly, she is at a critical condition that triggers the entire ICU staff.

Page 16 The daughter finally pulls through, which stuns the doctor. But the dad is no longer capable concentrate on working. So he leaves the meeting and drives to Nebraska to look for Dr. Stonehill. But he is too busy to meet him. The dad has to chase the doctor in his car to a bar. (SEEKING SOLUTIONS)

Page 20 When they finally meet, Dr. Stonehill says that he only conducts research not doesn’t see patients. But he still talks about his research with passion although he knows that it is just a theory. So the dad promises him to get the doctor enough funding to turn his theory into reality.


Page 24 When he comes back home, his wife freaks out about his behavior about leaving work without notice. She is afraid that they might lose their insurance. But the dad explains to his wife how he snapped when he was watching their daughter dying. The wife calls him insane when she hears the amount of money he promises to raise. But the couple works hard on the phone, calling everybody to raise money for the foundation. (CHANGE OF PLAN: START TO RAISE MONEY TO GET THE DOCTOR'S HELP TO SAVE THEIR KIDS)

Page 29 Finally, Dr. Stonehill comes to visit and hits off with the daughter right off. After they have put the kids to sleep, they sit down to eat. But the doctor cuts to the chase and asks for money. Although it’s not enough, the doctor decides to take advantage of the parents’ condition and motivation to setup his own company. (CHANGE OF PLAN FOR THE DOCTOR)

Page 35 The couple debates the best course of action. The wife admits that it was crazy, but once they start doing it, she is able to find hope and possibility. Although his friend is against the idea, the dad still decides to chase the wind as he just won’t sit around to wait for his kids to die.

Page 37 John drives to Nebraska to see Dr. Stonehill. But he doesn’t want to work hard to impress the investors because he has too much confidence in his science. (COMPLICATIONS FROM THE DOCTOR)

Page 40 They go to Chicago to pitch research project. It goes very well until they start to ask specific questions about the manufacturing process, which pisses off Dr. Stonehill so much that he storms out of the meeting. (COMPLICATION FROM THE DOCTOR)

Page 43 John complains to his wife about the incident and how much money that he has to raise. At the same time, they find out that their son can no longer use his arm. (COMPLICATION PEAKS) It scares John so much that he gives the money guy an offer that he can’t turn down. The money is surprised that Dr. Stonehill is okay with the terms. When he knows about the terms, Dr. Stonehill is furious that he got such a bad deal. John attacks him by telling him that he has never helped anybody in reality, which kind of wake the doctor up and he ends up signing the document. (EMOTIONAL POINT OF NO RETURN WHEN THE DOCTOR SACRIFICES HIS INTEREST TO HELP PEOPLE IN REALITY EVEN THOUGH IT IS A TERRIBLE DEAL FOR HIM)

Page 51 Two months later, their research facility is operational in Nebraska. (PHYSICAL POINT OF NO RETURN FOR THE RESEARCH) Most of their scientists are young people. John asks them to work crazy to reach clinical trial within a year. When the electricity is out during the storm, they have to rush to the market to buy a backup generator in 45 minutes. (COMPLICATION FROM THE GENERATOR)

Page 53 The daughter tries to talk to the dad, but he is too busy to really listen. On top of that, the investors are getting impatient with the way they are spending money. So they are forcing John to sell the company to its competition. (EMOTIONAL ANTAGONIST FROM THE DAUGHTER & PHYSICAL ANTAGONIST FROM THE INVESTORS)

Page 56 John comes to talk with Dr. Stonehill about the choices they have: either sell the company to get cash infusion or game over. Stonehill is not pleased about selling the company, and he also have to convince the big company to buy his. Stonehill is again challenged during the meeting about the realistic manufacturing problems, yet he is able to turn the table. John is also challenged emotionally on profitability, and he is able to overcome that as well. Finally, the deal comes through. (HIGHER STAKES)

Page 61 So the family is moved to Seattle to the big company. The security is so tight that Stonehill needs a badge to use the bathroom. And he wants to wait till success of the project to cash the big check. And the family moves into a very big beautiful house.

Page 64 After being welcomed to the new company, John is told by the manager that people are not happy that he is not a scientist and his children have the disease. Stonehill is fighting with another scientist without respect. (EMOTIONAL ANTAGONISTS)

Page 66 The parents beg the doctor for a deadline, which freaks them out so much that they ask all the families with Pompe children to meet at the company for a breakfast meeting to show the research team firsthand about the condition. (PHYSICAL ANTAGONIST FROM THE DISEASE)

Page 71 But the manager is not pleased as he thinks this emotional meeting affects the objectivity of the team. When John proposes a leadership team instead of competition, the manager thinks the only way to do that is to kick Stonehill out as he has alienated a lot of people. (PHYSICAL ANTAGONIST FROM THE TEAM STRUCTURE)

Page 72 People are very unhappy with the music that Stonehill is playing. At night, John comes to talk to Stonehill about kicking him off the team very awkwardly. Stonehill is beyond pissed off. (EVERYTHING IS EMOTIONALLY LOST)

Page 75 The family hears the news from a Pompe family that one of their kids has died. Both the parents and the kids are devastated. (EVERYTHING IS PHYSICALLY LOST)

Page 76 The company decides to do an experiment to pick the best formula out of four. Meanwhile, Meagan is having another of her birthday during which she couldn’t even flip her hand.

Page 78 When John comes to bring Stonehill meals to ask his opinion about which formula is the best, Stonehill kicks John out of his lab. But after, Stonehill picks the green formula to be the best but it’s not his baby. Stonehill SACRIFICES AND RESCUES!

Page 81 When the whole family is on the beach, John receives a phone call from the manager that the first clinical trial is going to for infants only because of the limited supply of the enzyme. (EVERYTHING IS TRULY LOST)

Page 83 So John drives to the company in the middle of the night trying to steal some drugs. When the security guard finds it out, Stonehill rescues him from embarrassment. When John talks about the fact that he has made the wrong choice right from the beginning and he was supposed to be with his kids more instead of chasing the wind, (EVERYTHING IS TRULY LOST) Stonehill suddenly has an epiphany of the Siblings Trial.

Page 90 After the siblings trial has been approved by a hospital, John goes to see the manager who is furious about being blindsided. The manager thinks that it is a huge “conflict of interest”. (EVERYTHING IS LOST AGAIN)

Page 93 The manager comes to fire John to eliminate the conflict of interest so that they can put the kids on the siblings study. It’s Stonehill’s idea. (EPIPHANY AGAIN)

Page 95 John comes back to tell his wife the good news. They take the kids to the hospital to be administered the new drugs. While the long wait to see if the drug works, Stonehill comes to see the children. They are waiting such a long time that they are starting to doubt if it’s working until they hear the laughter from the children. The medicine is working and the children are having sugar high.

Page 100 Dr. Stonehill cashes the check and finds his own company.



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