Brazilian film critic turned filmmakerKleber Mendonça Filho's second feature AQUARIUM, after his well-acclaimed debut NEIGHBORING SOUNDS (2012), has already received Cannes main competition treatment, which could be boosted by the consequential involvement of one of Brazilian cinema's living legends, Sonia Braga, who dauntlessly takes its central role of Clara, a retired music critic and refuses to move out of the film's titular building in Recife even if she is the only resident remains.
The film's vintage prologue takes us back to 1980, we are first introduced to a young Clara (Coleen), celebrates both her victory over cancer (later a briefing scene will inform us it is breast cancer) and her aunt's (a sprightly silver-haired Perez) 70th birthday, who reminisces of her wild youth (a carnal liberation in particular) when she clocks to an inconspicuous cabinet, which will become a mnemonic to trigger Clara down to her own memory lane 35 years later.
In the present time, Clara has outlived her husband for 17 years (life has its unpredictable quirks, who could image a seemingly healthier husband would be gone so soon) and now lives alone, she takes the leisurely pace to continue her daily life, as an independent, mature and loving woman: schmoozing with the lifeguard (Santos) on the beach where she routinely swims; enjoying a dancing night with her girlfriends and having no qualms to engage in a spur-of-the-moment making-out with a widower, who politely recedes to decency when he is aware of her physical condition (how shallow a man could be?). And obviously she has become much closer to her nephew Tomas (Queiroz) than her three adult offspring (a married son, a divorced daughter and a gay son), especially her relationship with her daughter Ana Paula (Jinkings) is strained, because of the status quo: the Aquarius building, erected in the 40s, is acquired by a construction company for a complete reconstruction except for Clara's apartment, and Ana Paula doesn't understand the reason why Clare won't sell it.
So what is the reason? Clare cannot be bought off by money because as she claims that she has 5 apartments under her name, therefore she has no financial exigency to exchange her favorite property into cash, which marks her a different case from the usual hungry-for-pecuniary-gain mass. Aquarius adumbrates her fondness, nostalgia and affections of her long winded past, all the happenings (like the B-day party in the prologue) comprising her entire life, in her sense, they live and die with the building itself. There is no denying it is a somewhat selfish reason to sabotage a project might be beneficial to assuage the local housing problem.ButMendonça Filhois trenchant and adamant to exercise the disproof, a final startling revelation will jolt Clara into the self-righteous action of hauling the evidence right in front of these corporate crooks. This is a tub-thumping censure to a society festered with sleaze and corruption, and utterly relatable in most corners of our world.
What hits the unusual mark of extraordinary is the filmmakers' impeccable tact and devotion of playing out an unbiased portrait ofa woman of certain age who, more often than not isn't even be considered to assume the cynosure of a movie, andMendonça Filho welcomes her with the full treatment including the often dismissed libidinous department, when you find out there is a raucous orgy organized in the empty apartment above yours, what is the best rebuttal other than calling an escort to quench that aroused thirst?
It goes without saying Ms. Braga's towering performance is of tectonic import to the success of the film, so much composedly immersed herself in the character, she takes Clara's prosaic daily life in stride, and not for one second, slackens her dignified defiance or renders it patronizing or haughty (which would very likely occur in lesser hands), she holds court whether there is a tacit awkwardness in her bungled sex-in-the-car diversion, or a whiff of disappointment toward her self-serving daughter, not to mention when she lets rip with a tirade in front of Diego (a smugly educated Carrão, admirably fending off Braga's all-out verbal offensive), the young representative of the company, that sequence alone can give 2016 Best Actress hopefuls a run for their money!
AQUARIUS is ultimately a rapier-like social critique welded with an endearingly patient character study, manufactured with deliberation, consideration and integrity, a transcendent sophomore piece presages an auteur in the making. On a less rigorous note, it is a cautionary tale exhorting us not to mess with a refusenik who has a hammock in her apartment, which means that she has both strength and means to stick it to the end.
有些地方,可以是一个凝固的场景,保存了一些遥远记忆;可以是个夜晚永远亮着灯的书房,还有灯下痛苦写作交稿的人;可以是满室阳光绿植的光影,还可以是清晨六点被砸门叫醒送早餐的恼怒回忆,离开这间居所,到哪里心里都是空空的。是的啊,我此刻想起的就是西一巷。 电影看完就想哭泣。我已经在这个世界步履不停地走了很久,我也知道未来还要去攀登更高的山峰,去做更好的人。可是啊,西一巷的那些时光始终在我心底。如果我也写一本《最美好的回忆》,萨冈赌赢了钱去买了房子,我是在那里度过了纯粹的时光。
这个片子看了有几年了,但想起来什么是好的电影(个人的)。这算是非常亮眼的一部好电影。时常会想起那栋海边的房子,这两年也在找一间这样的容纳自己的房间,而这种寻找,这部电影的影像始终在影响我。回想起来为什么喜欢它,是它娓娓道来的抗争吗?是我期待的中老年的自己那股女性的力量,对人生 生活 自我的洞彻跟接纳的那悄无声息内层却汹涌有力的广阔吗?
3 导演想通过一个钉子户跟房地产公司对抗的故事展示巴西社会阶层构成的意图很明显,被啃噬的公寓里的故人和回忆是凝结各阶层的核心,而这也是主人公所想要保护的。只可惜导演在素材的取舍和组织上对主题的表达成效不大,有些不明所以。
7分。手册16十佳。蜘蛛女之吻中的魅惑Sonia Braga担纲主演,看点也主要在她所塑造的门多萨式中产中年。海滩一线隔,一边是巴西利亚,另一边是曾辉煌却难留守的水瓶公寓。三两处镜头调度得机警趣味(16&84),算是少有灵气火花。
看电影去晚了却在门口看见了女主Sônia Braga,没忍住夸了一句你真美,结果大妈过来给了一个大熊抱。这个电影就是这样一个感觉,所有的镜头都在围着女主转,特写中景远景应有尽有,就是这样一个味道淡淡的生活切片,当下与回忆交杂,疾病、人情疏离、房产之争,人物挖得很透,但是主题实在是散
1. 最美丽、勇敢的巴西钉子户。2. 这样的女人太有力量了,美丽、勇敢、执着。3. 不管怎么说,你看不出巴西经济差,在生活品味上要强于我们这里,而且地产商已经够无耻的了,但是跟我们这里比较起来,真的很有底线的。4.多看电影,才能了解中国到底在哪里。
比《舍间声响》更具象更精彩,比前作多了很多亲情和美感,功勋女主角Sonia Braga气场太强了。她家墙上贴着《巴里林登》海报。《舍间声响》里的自慰女也出演了。有个叫Julia的妹子太是我的菜了。Andrea Arnold给我跪下看10遍,学学人家怎么拍歌单电影。