Mehran Tamadon explores what it was like being interrogated by the Iranian regime by asking prisoners to reconstruct their experiences. Alongside his companion film Where God Is Not, My Worst Enemy finds Tamadon shifting focus from the interrogated to the interrogator. The filmmaker sought an individual who had been interrogated by Iranian authorities in order to draw on their experiences to play an interrogator. The role finally fell to the Cannes-winning lead actor of Holy Spider, Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Together in an anonymous room, with Tamadon stripped to his underwear, they reconstruct the interrogation process, which gradually becomes an examination of the nature of power and coercion. The resulting film is intense and, at times, uncomfortable. And as it progresses, My Worst Enemy becomes an exploration of cinema’s relationship with its audience, questioning whether there is a limit to what it can show.
热播电视剧最新电影特警云豹噬神者爱情生活满月之战学园救援团智龙迷城X雷德怒潮功夫夏天的滋味权力的游戏第二季国民安保官之绝命护卫海军罪案调查处第十八季完美陌生人2016狂飙人生孕爱奇迹假如比尔街可以作证善地 第四季星猫历险记之地球大冒险黑雨1989美国版生活修理师佳士得的沉浮:世界最大拍卖行爱情伴侣形影不离牛仔裤的夏天情牵浮生戏爱人强盗一日狂徒