简介: Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an..详细 >
巴黎1919:和平条约电影免费高清在线观看全集。 Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia; the annexation of parts of Germany by other countries; the creation of Iraq; and the transfer of German colonies in Africa and China to new colonial masters. It also led to the creation of the League of Nations, championed by President Woodrow Wilson but which the US never joined. When they finally dealt with the issue of war reparations, they imposed a payments schedule on Germany that many believe provided the underpinnings of World War II.热播电视剧最新电影剑干将莫邪沼泽怪物异界招魂安逸人生系统之皇后养成记吸血惊情真·爱野兽 Beast非常人力资源暗之伴走者乱世英雄乱世情恐怖故事回魂2008我的唯一天伦之旅2009幸福绝爱婚事2017儿女一箩筐2003飙速宅男 GRANDE ROAD野人族女王冰冻星球2000大追捕2008中华英雄之风云再起绯闻女主播苹果2010