| Roger Ebert October 13, 1977
Orson Welles can make better movies than most directors with one hand tied behind his back. His problem, of course, is that for 35 years the hand has remained tied. His career is a study in lost possibilities: Having made a legendary film debut at the age of 24 with "Citizen Kane" (1941), arguably the best American movie ever made, he was never again left totally free to make a film just the way he wanted to.
He came close, in films like "The Magnificent Ambersons" (with its ending re-shot by the studio) and "The Trial". But a film more typical of Welles' dilemma was "Falstaff - Chimes at Midnight"(1968), a triumph of artistic will over impending bankruptcy."Falstaff" is a great film, but for whole stretches of it Welles is faking it. He shot it without sound and dubbed most of the voices himself. He recruited a great supporting cast but had to shoot them at moments stolen over the years when he was able to raise money to go back into production. He included a great battle scene but had to place his camera in its midst because he had so few warriors.
Now comes Welles' latest work, forthrightly titled "F For Fake." It's a film about fakes and frauds, including the art forger Elmyr de Hory, the biography forger Clifford Irving, the mystery man Howard Hughes and even the young Orson Welles of the famous "War of the Worlds" hoax.
The footage teases and tantalizes us - with Irving, for example, talking about de Hory's fakes while (we now know) planning a spectacular one of his own. But step back from the film, regard it for a moment and it suggests itself on a deeper level as Welles' musings about the connections between fakery and art itself.
"Citizen Kane," for example, is a film so brilliantly packed full of special effects, deceptive shots, double exposures, trick lighting, background animation and back projection that perhaps only a third of the film actually records what we think we're seeing. In "F For Fake", Welles plays with the film more obviously, presiding over a ghostly editing room, running shots back and forth in the movieola as he invites us to take a closer look (pick a look, any look… ).
It's all a bag of tricks, says the master magician Welles. If the result is the same, if the picture looks the same, isn't a de Hory as worthy as a Picasso? Doesn't, we think to ourselves, "Falstaff" hold together just as well as if it had been shot in seven weeks instead of seven years? And what about that magnificent double deception Welles paints for us at the end of this film, in which Picasso seems to be faked out of 24 erotic canvases by the grandfather of the beautiful young model Picasso has faked into his studio?
"F For Fake" is minor Welles, the master idly tuning his instrument while the concert seems never to start again. But it's engaging and fun, and it's astonishing how easily Welles spins a movie out of next to nothing. For many years, he was reported to have "Don Quixote" as a work in progress. Now, according to the program notes, the working title has been changed to "When Are You Finishing Don Quixote?" Does it matter, when "F For Fake" has such a sufficiency of windmills?
就像Orson Welles那个著名的观点,文艺理论和他人作品对自身创作意义没那么大。
直呼卧槽!又是一部关于元电影的作品,层层嵌套叙事,想不明白的真假关系,在探寻Elmyr赝品画作的价值中提问艺术的真谛。站在镜头前打破第四面墙直接和观众对话的奥逊威尔斯,也是在试图打破影像的可操纵性,甚至go so far to 保证“这部影片的第一个小时都是真实的” (or is it?)。对Elmyr(赝品的始作俑者)的作品的伪造让人直呼好家伙禁止套娃,Elmyr和Clifford Irving的关系——后者甚至有时候喧宾夺主——恰恰是画家们和Elmyr关系的镜像。奥逊威尔斯本人在嵌套式的结构中穿梭让观众晕头转向:究竟什么是“真的”?艺术的价值取决于什么——作品的真假、罕见程度、还是狗屁专家的意见?打破常规的剪辑和对footage的重组让影片彻底变成一场游戏。与阿巴斯《特写》、《合法副本》媲美,个人纪录片前十。
记得我刚说的是下面“一个小时”说的都是真的吗 刚才那17分钟可全是假的
fake exists not as an opposition to real, it exists only because of the capital market. 但我最想说的是,欢迎大家去纽泽西参观1938年火星人入侵地球大恐慌的纪念碑!
這個片子太有意思了,得再看一遍。reality is but a fake fake?
很有意思的一部纪录片,但是整部影片对于不是太清楚当时情况的人有点点混乱,但是像是一部极好地辩论,导演像是在讲述一件严肃的历史事实却又用以很戏谑的台词和镜头,不停重复着“it is beauty, but is it art?”站在新的角度从新思考,不知道导演看到今日的大芬油画村会有什么样的感受?
A / 同样也是一种“元作者电影”。关于“伪造”的虚实之辨其实是奥逊·威尔斯早已不断进行的提炼了。倒是影像上的进一步转变着实令人欣喜:如何通过剪辑将各种立体的扁平的、开放的封闭的空间贯通?如何营造不同于以往叙述性的以人物为核心的雀跃节奏?这大概才是从《审判》到《风的另一边》中真正令人目眩神迷的实验。