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午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.1午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.2午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.3午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.4午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.5午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.6午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.13午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.14午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.15午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.16午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.17午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.18午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.19午后的迷惘 剧照 NO.20




 1 ) 午后的迷惘







 2 ) 死亡是意识的结束,迷惘是觉醒的开端。









随后女人快速扭头,转到了楼下,将花放在了小腹处(性暗示),然后自我疲惫,开始睡觉。 镜头后拉,镜面人带花出现,女子影子先出,追赶她。没有追上,转身踏上屋子前的楼梯,她又看着那一片花台,花台一片荒芜,剩着一些乱草。这个花台在这个时候又出现两个含义:一是根据弗洛伊德的理论而言,这是心灵状态的外化成环境:荒凉,二是我认为这可能就是这朵花生长的地方,而其含义也就更不用多说了,非常明显。









 3 ) 惊艳


 4 ) 自我的他者

梦境的嵌套和拉康镜像理论的完美应用。结尾里梦中的男人形象被证明亦是女人的镜像投射,打碎镜面人即是打碎自我的他者,同时自己也被男性秩序所扼杀。镜面人是丈夫,是对女人的呼唤不予回应的爱恋对象,也是女人自恋的投影,阳具象化为鲜花和钥匙,女主角午休时将鲜花放在阴部接受诱惑,钥匙掉落表明恋爱中女人甘受支配、以及阉割后的焦虑,女人回家发现台阶插着刀,床边鲜花消失变为刀子暴露男性侵犯的意图,女人行走中前脚落在沙滩后脚踏着草地象征探索自我的艰难,钥匙变成刀,女人要企图反抗拥有自己的菲勒斯,全片无非在焦虑贞操的献出者,模糊到具体,自恋的主体得不到满足,最后死于焦虑本身。 在男权下,女人无法以真正的内发的主观体存在,“自我”只能在他人(镜面)的定义下形成,也就是女性是被菲勒斯情结下的男权所控制的外在环境所定义的,而打破这层定义也相当于否定了现有的自我的存在,也就是迷失了自我的、女人的意义。死在被自己打破的镜中的女人才是象征了迷惘的真正开始,如何才能脱离旧有的男性社会意识形态并得到女性的新含义,是迷惘的最后问题。

 5 ) 切割自我

  这部片子让我想起了 Charlotte Perkins Gilman 的the yellow wallpaper。在以男性为主导的关系中女性最终无法接受一个被对象化的自我的入侵,无法与已构成的自我达成和解,最终走向疯狂甚至灭亡。

 6 ) Mirror-face, Surveyed-Self

In chapter 3 of Ways of Seeing, John Berger explores how the nude in western art systematically objectified women, and this tradition has been continued by other contemporary media including film. In this paper, I want to focus on Berger’s claim woman constantly surveys herself that “she is almost continually accompanied by her own image”[ Ways of Seeing, John Berger, P46] and connect it to Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon. Meshes of the Afternoon, with its exquisite use of symbolic associations, aligns with Berger’s feminist critique on visual culture by presenting women as self-surveyor and questions the possibility of emancipation in a surreal manner, challenging the male-assumed way of seeing and proposing a radical understanding of the self.

The overall structure of the film can be seen as a surreal mental maze of the woman played by Maya Deren herself. This multi-layered mental maze, with each layer featuring a representation of the woman’s self awareness, is fundamentally driven by her impulsion to survey herself. However, the woman’s consciousness constantly tries to emancipate herself that from this self-surveillance self-reflection arises. In my opinion, the beginning of the woman’s first entrance into the house and the ending where she kills herself are the two layers that actually take place externally in the world of the film; the other three seemingly repetitional layers in between, beginning with a zoom out from a circle-shaped window which signifies the entrance to the woman’s dream world, each represents a state of consciousness of the woman in her dream and an alternate reality. All these layers are structurally connected by the use of symbols, as these symbols repetitively appears throughout the film, forming a complex yet solid gender critic and a radical claim on the self.

Symbolic associations use discrete objects to generate abstract meanings-either meanings already given by a culture or created by the film itself. There are many symbols in Meshes of the afternoon. I will focus on the three most important symbols-the key, the knife and the mirror-to explain in evidence what meaning they convey individually and collectively and connect them to a the topic of self-surveillance in conversation with that of Berger.

The mirror, in my perspective, is the central symbol of the entire film because it really exemplifies the notion of self-surveillance and self-reflection. We often look into the mirror when we want to see our own image. In a broader cultural context, mirror represents a subject’s self awareness, self reflection and the desire to regulate one’s own appearance in accordance to certain social norms and at the same time to maintain a consistent self identity. Deren built upon such common understanding of mirror and transcended it with her adept use of symbols. In the film, the mirror first appears as the face of the cloaked figure, who we later know as the woman’s projection of her husband in her “dream.” When the cloaked figure turns at Deren’s character, she sees no reflection of herself in the mirror-face but only glass and a pure blank. Here, we should be aware that we are actually seeing the image from the woman’s mind. In this sense, the mirror-face does not simply appear contingently as an external being. Instead, the women envisions him with her eyes of the mind. This indicates that she is eager to see her own image in the first place through the mirror. However, she sees no reflections of herself from the mirror-face. Later in the film, when she is looking at the mirror in the bedroom, what she sees is only an ambiguous image of herself that no clear figure can be identified. In contrast, when the man, very likely the woman’s husband, looks into the same mirror later in the film, his reflection is clear and legible. What does this mean?

According to Berger, “the mirror was often used as a symbol of the vanity of woman”[ Ways of Seeing, John Berger, P51

] throughout the history of western visual art, in which the moralizing was actually hypocritical since it is men who put mirror in women’s hands and enjoy the pleasure of gazing upon them. Deren embeds her film within that tradition only to criticize it. Deren’s character tries to seek her own image in the mirror of course, but is she doing it out of vanity? I think not. Instead, she is lost existentially and wants to pursue her self-identity by looking into the mirror. The woman’s lack of clear reflection or no reflection at all in the mirror suggests that her self identity is shattered in pieces that she cannot form a consistent and unified narrative of herself. This is an accurate depiction of women “trapped” in domestic spaces and constantly being gazed upon by male and themselves. Though, on the surface, a clear and unified self-identity, as that of the man, seems more determinate and doubtless, it is really this lack of clear self-identity that grants free and open space to interpret oneself. Different from the man who sees himself as who he is and acts according to the social norms, the woman continuously questions herself and their relationships through her mental voyage. I will discuss the last appearance of the mirror together with those of the key and the knife, but now we can agree on that Deren successfully critiques male-centered tradition of mirror in western visual art by cutting off its original function using blank reflections and focusing on the woman’s attempt of self-reflection.

The key and the knife both carries individual meanings developed throughout the film. Normally, a key’s function is to open a door; a knife(a table-knife here in particular)’s function is to cut food into smaller pieces. Both functions are depicted at the beginning of the film: the woman uses the key to open the front door of the house and sees the knife on the bread. It is worth noticing that the key bounces down the stairs and the knife falls off the bread onto the table, both of which evokes the woman’s uneasiness. This indicates that these two items in the film have meanings beyond their regular functions. Metaphorically, the key is a pathway to an answer or a tool to decipher certain meaning and the knife is a tool for violence. The “bouncing down” of the key is an signifier for the woman’s painstaking attempt to form an understanding of herself later in the film; the “falling off” of the knife serves as a prologue for the woman’s final violence to “break free.”

As the key and the knife transform into each other several times in the film, their independent meanings intertwine, forming a synthesized meaning overall. The key and the knife start to appear intensively at the “fourth layer” of the film. As we see the woman sees another self of her trying to catch the cloaked figure, she takes the key out of her month and it turns into the knife. This indicates that the key and knife has become internal signifiers of her consciousness instead of simply external everyday objects and they have a transformative relationship between each other that requires interpretations. After the third alternate version of the woman(I call her woman Omega) enters into the room and puts the knife on the table and it turns into the key immediately, the three of them finally meet. Two of them try to take the key but failed. Woman Omega successfully takes the key and it turns into the knife again with her hands turning black. This is a moment of self realization for the woman as the three versions of herself form a consensus to kill the original self with the knife, as if only by killing the trapped, unrealized version of herself can they(also her) finally be free. The key here represents the attempt to realize oneself, and the answer to that attempt is the knife which itself represents the force of violence to break through constrains by killing oneself. With these two symbols working correspondingly, a message forms: true self-reflection is a form of self-annihilation. Where is this self reflection pointing to? We should bring the mirror back into the conversation in order to answer it.

The mirror represents the attempt to achieve a unified understanding of the self, and it is so far a failed attempt for the woman because there are no reflections in the mirror for her at all. However, the blank also suggests that there is actually no absolute essence of the self that can be clearly reflected as an image. In this sense, a clear reflection of the self in the mirror is actually the real illusion(as with the case of the man). This is why the woman finally decides to break the man’s mirror-face with the knife, as he is objectifying her with his gaze exemplified by the close-up shots of her lips. After she breaks his mirror-face, an open sea representing the vast open world appears. This is a decisive moment: by breaking the mirror with which she was struggling to find her reflections, the woman is forever letting go of her very attempt to achieve a unified self understanding. Since there is no absolute self essence, the very concept structure of the self needs to be get rid of in order to achieve absolute freedom. At the same time, the mirror is also the man’s face. This synthesization of the mirror and the male face indicates that the woman’s self-reflection takes the form of male surveillance in the way that “the surveyor of woman in herself is male.”[ Ways of Seeing, John Berger, P47] By radically breaking the very structure of her own self-conception, the woman is also annihilating the male surveyor in herself. The last scene in the film brings us back to the real world: the woman lies dead on the sofa with fragments of the broken mirror all over her body--the broken mirror literally kills her. The radical self-emancipation in her consciousness comes with the greatest cost--the demise of her physical body. At the end of the day, the inescapable self surveillance of objectification can only be “escaped” spiritually with the annihilation of the body which carries the historicity of the unrealized self.

In conclusion, Deren embeds her film Meshes of the Afternoon within the tradition of western visual art that Berger criticized only to transcends it through gender and philosophical lenses. The adept use of symbolic associations, mainly exemplified by symbols such as the mirror, the key and the knife, altogether forms a radical yet inspiring message: the inescapable male surveyor within ones consciousness can only be transcended with the violent annihilation of the original self. If this reading of the film is solid, then it really exemplifies film’s striking capability of making philosophical and cultural claims through the language of image as a media.



  • 芥末蘸酱
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  • zoe
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这个应该是影响了林奇了,特别是Lost Highway

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  • The 星星
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  • 糖罐子.
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  • 九生
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前半预知梦及梦的解析 掉钥匙一段令人拍案 用古典叙事手法 将隐含的危险描绘得淋漓尽致 钥匙等同于刀 是因为开启即伤害 而门本身便有性爱的隐喻在 无脸男的最初影像原型 大概就是此处 脸上的镜子反映自身的欲望 花是贞操象征 全片无非在焦虑贞操的献出者 模糊到具体 最后死于焦虑本身 日氏配乐亦有增彩

  • 文泽尔
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  • 木卫二
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午后迷惘,似梦非梦。鲜花与刀,只在一念。720P,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OAYtjhRexZpGP_Xma-3HBg 密码:ovwm

  • 艾晨
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Freud's dream: flower, knife, mirror, ring, insanity, key and door, man and woman, sex and death...

  • 若汐
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  • 冰红深蓝
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  • UrthónaD'Mors
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现代影像的神样之一。八卦:David Lynch用Lost Highway向这部电影致敬;Godflesh用了片中的一张著名剧照做为94年EP《Merciless》的封套,Primal Scream于86年发行的单曲《Crystal Crescent》也如法炮制。

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  • 徐达多
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7.0 很先锋的影像表义,我看到的似乎更多的是女性对性的思想纠缠与自缢过程。导演在室内和室外空间开了个虫洞,女性在自己的意识(房子)里翻滚跌落,男人只是个带着花的闯入者。女人打碎玻璃的同时打碎了男权崇拜。

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