麦克马斯克斯(克拉克·盖博 Clark Gable 饰)和桑德(斯宾塞·屈塞 Spencer Tracy 饰)是两名石油开采者,在经历了一系列的失败和破产之后,总算赚来了足够的钱,不仅偿还了债务,还在石油开采业站稳了脚跟。
一天,麦克斯马斯克斯在小镇上邂逅了一位名叫贝斯迪(克劳黛·考尔白 Claudette Colbert 饰)的女孩,两人共度了浪漫的一夜,然而,当麦克斯马斯克斯向贝斯迪表露真情时,后者却后娱乐。原来,桑德也爱慕着贝斯迪,最终,桑德选择了离开这段三角恋,成全了麦克马斯克斯和贝斯迪的爱情。哪知道在两人结婚一周年纪念日那天,贝斯迪发现麦克马斯克斯出轨了,得知此事怒火中烧的桑德和麦克马斯克斯一刀两断。
A chipper oldie ravishes its spectator with a gung-ho complexion that is so disarming a benignant viewer might be completely oblivious of its cut-throat capitalistic machination which is attendant with the plot's boom-and-bust vagaries.
Two wildcatters Big John McMasters (Gable) and Square John Sand (Tracy) hit it off quickly (thanks to their mutual instinct of dodging potshots), and bouncily go for it in their oil rigging enterprise, there are hits and misses ongoing, but their archetypal bromance is put into a critical test when they are both besotted with the same dame, Betsy Bartlett (Colbert). The narrative cavalierly pass the buck to Betsy since Big John has no inkling that she is Square John’s gal, but Betsy knows Big John alright, which doesn’t stop her from jilting a more matter-of-fact Square John for the newly ignited coup-de-foudre (and it all happened one night!). Thankfully, the reunited Gable-Colbert pair knows how to play the flirtatious bonhomie right, and a bluff Tracy makes a rather surprising capitulation to the “she is not that into him” situation but is never able to get over her, instead, he becomes the watchdog of their marriage, a resolute assurer that Betsy’s happiness is unadulterated.
Therefore, the years-spanning story extends into a series friend-or-foe games between Big John and Square John, predicated on Betsy’s well-being, hopping from places to places, their fortune alternately ebbs and flows. When at its best, an oil wildfire spectacle is surely awe-inspiring through its matted black-and-white expressionism; yet in its worst, the patchy narrative wears thin quickly when the love triangle equilibrium levels out. So an extrinsic force timely arrives in the form of Hedy Lamarr’s drop-dead gorgeous Karen Vanmeer, Big John's business advisor and a socialite who is adept at eavesdropping, as an interloper, she is not beyond reproach but for once, she is presented more than a vacuous bombshell, in fact she has the wiles to apply her own counter-moves when Square John tries to buy her out. And presciently, Spencer Tracy’s courtroom rhetoric is set ablaze in a transitory but consequential moment.
Slightly tortuous in its story-line, and 77 years have passed, Jack Conway’sBOOM TOWN has sustained to evince a pristine luster in pointing up two of the most peddled attributes of America: the land of opportunity and the propitious everything-will-be-fine motto.
referential point: Frank Capra’s IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934, 8.1/10)
每个女人都会爱上Big John,但每个女人都想嫁给Short John…
两个John一个善决策,一个善管理,他们相互扶持又相互角力,两人的默契是孩童般幼稚的斗气不服输,嘴硬打架却守着唯一的绰号,哪怕是两男一女的三角关系也从未发展出烂俗的枝节,Square John用自己的智慧忠诚守护着Big John的家庭事业,相比Gable一贯的魅力,Spencer Tracy沉稳可靠的形象更值得铭记。
can't understand why choosing a wild fellow over a nice decent guy?
又是一夜风流里的一对儿黄金年代啊米高梅天下。盖博真是wildcat with brains & hands。屈塞更重情宁可退居二线。CC很夫人相很端正大方。HL更小秘和V确实有点像。简单的三角恋故事但看的有滋味。
虽然三个主角演技爆表念法律条文可能我都喜欢听但是这个片子也实在太模式化太琐碎了,看得我一直看时间怎么才过了一个小时Hedy怎么还没出现(她戏份大概和前面歌女差不多)。最主要的是我完全没法理解克拉克盖博赖以成名的constantly cheating husband角色到底魅力何在,三四十年代妇女到底在想什么。
差不多的情节盖博到底演过多少次?这回比旧金山和曼哈顿都差点。Hedy Lamarr的角色倒是和对她本人的印象有点像……
前面还挺好看,三个角色很有意思,越往后元素越多,各种genre反复跳,又太挤太赶了,平均每一刻钟破产一次再来十分钟又变成millionaire, 在逗我?