Summer 1985. As with every year, Rodri (Adrián Baena) leaves Catalonia and returns to his parents' Galician town to reunite with his gang. However, this year will be different for him and his friends. The real world problems begin appearing in their lives, threatening to drift the group apart. Clinging onto the friendship that joins them, the five friends plan to run away on Saint John's Eve night to search for a magical flower that, as per legend, grows up high a mountain and can make wishes come true. Becasue right now, their only wish is to solve their distressed friend's issue and, thus, remain together. An adventure that will make them grow through a fascinating tale full of action, emotion and hope, and that will permanently leave in their memories that summer where the song "Live is Life" by Opus played in the background.
热播电视剧最新电影叛徒2023笨蛋太郎最后的大魔王我的新野蛮女友(国语版)祝您好运1985事件、在那周围发生伊瓦鲁血染罂粟女毒枭 第二季日照妮儿政界小人物第二季绝命救赎月落玉长河东寺街西寺巷新传麦积山的呼唤危机边缘第三季屠龙者的黎明诡夜三日红项圈拆弹专家宝贝炸弹恋上纯喫茶1铁血将军2016一不小心吃定你血案疑云成长吧!大熊猫看夜更向日葵女孩谍影追踪奇妙之城
一群孩子的事情 正义也在孩子中