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  Licalsi is found guilty of the manslaughter of Marino and his driver and is given a two year sentence. Because of his involvement with Licalsi, and the belief that he withheld evidence that could have given her a longer sentence, Kelly is transferred out of the 15th and chooses to leave the department altogether. He is replaced by Bobby Simone, a widower whose previous job was that of driver for the Police Commissioner. This does not sit well with Sipowicz but in time he learns to accept his new partner and, as his relationship with Sylvia leads down the aisle, asks Simone to be his best man.
  After an affair with a journalist who uses information that he gives her in an article, Simone begins a relationship with another new officer in the squad, Diane Russell. Sipowicz, still a recovering alcoholic, recognizes in Russell's behavior that she also has a problem and, after much prompting, she herself goes to AA. Elsewhere, due to his lack of self-belief that a woman like Donna could love him, Medavoy's relationship with her breaks down, due in no small part to Donna's visiting sister.

热播电视剧最新电影正是青春璀璨时失踪:马航370看见我和你死亡医师 第二季未来中国第二季十级浪与博诺和边缘面对面 大卫·莱特曼回归都柏林玩偶特工搞怪女厨国语魔幻手机之预知未来想做熊的孩子天衣无缝在爆炸前吻我精灵梦叶罗丽男生堆里的女生2猴子奇缘孤狼之血2站住!小哑妻猎枭生死线方世玉续集蜂蜜新生化危机雨季2014

