余非(李沁 饰)自幼生活在单亲家庭,她积极向上,善良且乐观,沒有通常单亲家庭成长起来的孩子那种偏执,母亲余玥(杨雨婷 饰)郁郁寡欢,为人冷淡,伹这并沒有使余非心中留下阴影,她始终一如继往地照顾母亲。生在富豪之家,娇生惯养的叶琳(阚清子 饰)自小被父母捧在掌心,爱使小性子。身份的悬殊并没有阻碍她与余非成为无话不谈的闺蜜。长大成人后,女孩的心思多了起来,特别是当叶琳发现自已钟爱的章赫凡(何润东 饰)心思在余非身上,心中涌起嫉妒之火。为报复昔日姐妹,她跟对余非始乱终弃的老公夏宇扬(张勋杰 饰),狼狈为奸,无所不用其极。就在这时,一个爆炸性新闻弄懵了她俩,原来她们是从出生就被掉包,同父异母的亲姐妹......
热播电视剧最新电影世纪骇客(原声版)水浒笑传之黑店寻宝少林武王气球美男堂好朋友 拜仁慕尼黑的崛起火宅之人魔鬼碟仙2马屁王浮生录我叫为何嗨,城市猎人你无法选择自己的家人糊涂侦探天字一号阳光下的决斗宅门逆子鲛人传说之人间情岁岁年年柿柿红岁岁轻寒青春永驻悲惨世界再战江湖2021星路奇程恶客 惡客焕新环游传It was a six hours long Italian movie. It was shown in a small theatre in SF’s Richmond district, very close to Pacific Ocean. I knew nothing about the movie, besides its length, before went in the theatre. I went because Gui thought it was worthy. I always trust Gui’s taste in movies. We were well-prepared, carried a small shopping bag full of various healthy soft drinks: chocolate soy milk, mango juice, and water, cookies, and chocolate, plus a small pillow for Gui’s back. It felt like a school field trip. Since the movie was shown in two parts with half an hour intermission in between. We only bought tickets to see the first half first. Left our option open in case we wanted to give up on the 2nd half. We ended up watching the movie in full. Before the second half started, we walked up and down the quiet street bathed in brilliant afternoon sunshine. The ocean is visible not far off, at the end of the street. Accidentally discovered a lovely coffee shop, too. (The coffee shop was named ‘Simple Pleasure Cafe’, with loads of old sofa in all shapes and sizes, plus a piano!) I liked the movie. Couldn’t get my mind clear of the story well into the evening. A few words from the ever so eloquent Anthony Lane: "This is how people find love in “The Best of Youth.” They meet in a small kitchen, where one of them calls the other a klutz for not being able to work the coffee machine. They talk about college, and exchange a look. That’s it. And this is how people make out: they fumble warmly in a car, beside a phone booth, with no music surging to their aid; unless you count the Roman rain outside, with its soft percussive beat. "All of which confirms that we are in the midst of verifiable human conduct. “The Best of Youth” runs, though never dawdles, for an easy six hours, with barely a false note. Directed by Marco Tullio Giordana, it was commissioned by Italian television; here it has already shown at Film Forum, in two three-hour chunks, and will play at Cinema Village before heading elsewhere across the country. There is absolutely no reason not to sacrifice a couple of your evenings for the sake of the Caratis, the lightly bound clan at the heart of Giordana’s epic; not, I should add, because they will offer you a pulsing escape from your own family life but precisely because the rhythm of their pleasures and scarrings will, over time, come to seem like a consoling echo of your own. When a movie starts, as this one does, with a dad interrupting his son’s homework and asking if he can help move a TV set, you know you are on home ground. " Warning, if you plan to watch the movie. Stop reading now. Don’t want to spoil your experiences. The story confirmed my conclusion about suicides once again, which was that suicide was never a premeditate decision. It was triggered by a spur of the moment weakness, loneliness. Maybe it was piled up by all kinds of depression and bottled up feelings left unexpressed. But that moment was never pre-determined. So there were many “what-ifs”. And all the “whatifs” might have would have prevented the tragedy. If someone they love would call at that moment, if someone they cared about happened to be with them, happened to show up, even if some stranger suddenly interfered at that moment, all would have turned out okay. That led to what the character in the movie, Nicola, concluded for himself, that he shouldn’t have left people he love alone. He always thought “people has the right to live however they pleased.” But sometimes the ones we love are not as strong as we perceived. They needed our voice of reason to nag them. They needed reassurance of love and the feeling that they were needed. The modern world, especially the western modern world’s politeness, and the respect for privacy sometimes led to deadly consequences. Because we are all so alone. We needed to know we are loved and we are needed. Constantly. That’s why I think gun is such an evil weapon. It helped that moment of weakness plunge into the abyss, with no return, no second chance. It was so final, so quick and so deadly. A couple of more interesting points about the movie: # My friend's Gui's comment: I kept thinking about the movie, too. Of Matteo’s death. Then a “side thought” came to me: if the actor wasn’t so beautiful, would I care as much? I doubt I would (I imagined if the charactor was played by… say, Matt Damon). Matteo was intelligent, sensitive, and well-meaning, but behaved quite a bit like a jerk. His beauty seems to be the thing that completes the package and makes it compelling. But if this movie was a novel — as many critics compared it to — it would be a different matter. Visual elements are always so simple and powerful. My Reply: I was actually thinking that the major mis-calculation on all Matteo’s friends and family made was the “intelligent” part. How he always got A’s. Everyone assumed that because he was highly intelligent so he must know what was best for himself. But Intelligence is overrated, not just in the case of Enron. Beauty certain helped. It, like you pointed out, perfected him even more. Turned him into a god, who could do no wrong. But gods do all kinds of stupid things, don’t they? They could get away with their deeds because they are immortal. - Anthony Lane’s Review from the New Yorker, Issue of 2005-04-25IN TRANSLATION : http://www.newyorker.com/printables/critics/050425crci_cinema
是部好电影! 在豆瓣上评分达到9.4,有54,883人评价;IMDB评分也高达8.5,21,341人次投票。两个网站的TOP250 排名中都没有算上它,估计是因为其超长的形态。当年它参加了戛纳电影节的“一种关注”栏目,是分为上、下两部放映,每部3小时,后获该项目大奖;随后在影院公映,但主要还是在电视上以4集的mini系列剧形式公映,每集1.5小时。
虽然有点长,但绝对是每一个人值得一看的好电影。从一个家庭(具体两兄弟的家庭)的成长,大到囊括意大利的历史变迁,小到每一个个人的领悟,转折,和生老病死。看得我泪流满面,而且极度想家,也想拥有一个家庭。Everything that exists is beautiful!!!也许青春以后就不再相信感叹号了,但是世界依然美好。
对于我这种极其没有耐心的人来说这就是一部罪大恶极的烂片=。 =
6个小时,酣畅淋漓,波澜壮阔,又见微知著,充满人性光辉(完美承接了贝托鲁奇的<一九零零>);我坚信每个人都会从这部人文史诗电影里看到自己灵魂的投影,去寻找生活的真相、生存的意义与生命的本质!——真的无比灿烂,无比辉煌!!// 追加:近十年来已反复重看了五六遍,这是在绝望中让我重拾信仰的圣经!
"「眼前一切都很美丽」,还有三个感叹号,你现在仍然认同吗?" "我不认同那三个感叹号.."