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定罪 剧照 NO.1定罪 剧照 NO.2定罪 剧照 NO.3定罪 剧照 NO.4定罪 剧照 NO.5定罪 剧照 NO.6定罪 剧照 NO.13定罪 剧照 NO.14定罪 剧照 NO.15定罪 剧照 NO.16定罪 剧照 NO.17定罪 剧照 NO.18定罪 剧照 NO.19定罪 剧照 NO.20



Mark Gordon在ABC新剧《黑白同行 Quantico》 有份当执行制片,而电视网预订了Mark Gordon负责的律政剧《定罪 Conviction》。Liz Friedman亦为《定罪》主创之一,并负责编剧,Liz Friedlander则执导首集;本剧讲述一名叫Hayes Morrison(《特工卡特 Marvel's Agent Carter》 的Hayley Atwell饰演)的女子,她是前总统的女儿,聪明但性格叛逆,被认为中看不中用。她被威胁下加入了洛杉矶一支法律团体(Conviction Integrity Unit),带领着一群律师﹑调查员及法医,在两星期内调查一件可能是错判了个无辜者有罪的案件。   《犯罪现场调查:纽约 CSI: NY》 主演Eddie Cahill饰演十分有自信的男主角,纽约地方检察官Conner Walla...

热播电视剧最新电影钢铁少女:决战极速世界之战车桑拿魅影光阴里的故事奔腾年代我和妻子的1778个故事动态漫画·绝世古尊第二季亚飞与亚基痞子大逃亡重生门谜域之噬魂岭非洲功夫战纳粹叶尔羌河郑和下西洋中国故事狂蟒之灾2OSS117之非洲谍影金矿的赌注远征篇 第二季心厨木偶奇遇记1940我只是想走走蛙女魅影奇侠美国制造1993继母与女儿的蓝调2022年谨贺新年SP尸兄之血战尸骑士月影


 1 ) 太写实了,感觉有些压抑








 2 ) I tried with all my might

有人说,人生贵在坚持。我想这句话真是一点都没错。是不是有很多人也和我一样,在一个新学期的开头,信誓旦旦地说我要取得好成绩。第一个月非常好好,第二个月just so so,第三个月开始觉得自己坚持不下去了。于是就在对着老天抱怨说,为什么这个学期过的那么久。可能女主并不是一个很聪明的学生,至少生活上有很大的压力造成她在兼顾家庭和事业上失去了平衡。所以,她才会学业上没有成就,然后连自己的孩子都计划离开自己。其实她也想过放弃。女主也有一段日子没有去上学,也有情绪低落的时候。谁人不是呢,人之常情。如果是你身处于这样一个进退两难的状态,可能很多人都坚持不下来吧。

But she did.





 3 ) 《定罪》真实原型故事

3、Nancy taylor没有受到任何形式上的处罚,网上连的照片我都没找到。有找到的麻烦给我个地址,我去吐口口水。

Estate of Kenneth Waters To Receive $3.4 Million In Settlement For His 18 Year Imprisonment

Posted on July 15, 2009 by Avi Kamionski
The Boston Globe is reporting:
波士顿环球 报道:

The town of Ayer and five of its insurers have agreed to pay $3.4 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit filed by the estate of the late Kenneth Waters, who spent more than 18 years in prison for a murder he did not commit before his sister earned a law degree and helped free him through DNA evidence. The estate was represneted by Barry Sheck of Neufeld Sheck and Brustin.

Ayer police were accused of coercing false testimony to convict Waters and withholding evidence that could have cleared him. A sixth insurance company, Western World Insurance Group, has declined to settle, but negotiations are continuing. Kenneth Waters was freed from prison in March 2001, and the Middlesex district attorney’s office dropped the charges against him. But he enjoyed only six months of freedom. He died on Sept. 19, 2001, after he fell on his head from a 15-foot wall in Rhode Island while taking a shortcut to a restaurant.

Ayer’s town administrator, Shaun A. Suhoski, said the lawsuit was “a very complex case and, through the very diligent efforts of our legal team, with close oversight of the Board of Selectmen, it appears we’ve reached an acceptable endpoint in this litigation.’’

Kenneth Waters was convicted in 1983 of first-degree murder and armed robbery in the death of Katharina Brow. She was found on May 21, 1980, with more than 30 stab wounds, in her mobile home in Ayer. Waters; his girlfriend, Brenda Marsh; and two of her children, one of whom Waters had fathered, had been living in a house behind the mobile home.

According to the complaint filed by Betty Anne Waters, her brother had a solid alibi for his whereabouts when the killing occurred: He had been working a night shift at a local diner and then had a court appearance the next morning for an unrelated matter. Ayer police interviewed him after the killing, but filed no charges, and the case remained unsolved for 2 1/2 years.


In October 1982, a man who was living with Marsh approached Ayer police and said she told him that Waters had confessed to killing a woman in Ayer, according to the complaint. She also said she had washed Waters’s bloody clothes, he said. Ayer Police Chief Philip L. Connors and Officer Nancy Taylor-Harris interrogated Marsh. Although she initially denied that Waters had anything to do with the killing, Marsh ultimately relented and said he had come home drunk the morning that Brow was killed with a long, deep scratch on his face, according to the complaint. Police arrested Waters, even though officers had examined him after the killing and found no wounds.

The complaint alleged that Waters was indicted based in part on false testimony before a grand jury by Taylor-Harris that fingerprints found at the crime scene were smeared and useless to investigators. In fact, authorities found a bloody fingerprint on a broken toaster and a partial print on a kitchen faucet that was still running when Brow’s body was discovered. Taylor-Harris knew that Waters had been excluded as the source of the prints, the complaint alleged. Waters was convicted by a Middlesex Superior Court jury and sentenced to life in prison.

 4 ) [Film Review] Conviction (2010) 6.5/10

CONVICTION is based on a true story, after Kenny Waters (Rockwell) is sentenced to life in prison without parole for the first degree murder, his sister Betty Anne (Swank), firmly believes in his innocence, decides to become a lawyer herself so that she can legally helps Kenny to clear his crime.

Director Tony Goldwyn (yes, the actor who plays the villain in Jerry Zucker’s GHOST, 1990) clearly knows he has a life-affirming story extraordinaire at hand, and according to whom, the most sensible way to tell it is to lay bare Betty Anne’ travails, setbacks and elation along the way as formulaic as possible, and let two-times Oscar winner Swank have another showcase to magnify an ordinary woman’s indomitable fortitude, and honestly, Swank excels in bringing about a compelling and four-square performance although the characterization never trespass out of the safe zone of respectability, the only time Betty Anne’s monomania shows up its underside is when she blows a fuse toward her friend, Abra Rice (Driver), a fellow johnny-come-lately attorney who is designed with a pure angelic heart with a big mouth, which later she patches up with ease.

While Betty Ann’s working-mother-attending-law-school-and-then-fighting-the-injustice trope is, at the very least, inspiringly watchable, Kenny’s 18-year stint behind the bars is only sketched with very broad strokes, and the life before that sees him as a incorrigible hellion (starting as a child, thick as thieves with Betty Anne, raising Cain due to parental negligence), which is much in Rockwell’s wheelhouse, thus substantiates what makes him an easy whipping boy here, but the whole iffy prosecution, solely riding on circumstantial evidences (two untrustworthy witnesses), never gets a fair deal in its exposition, and it is a missed opportunity not to plumb into the prickly ulterior motive behind the corrupted sergeant Nancy Taylor (Leo).

Elsewhere, CONVICTION is everything what a conventional legal drama looks like, light on the legalese (DNA testing is one operative word here) and grinding procedural endeavor (sympathetic persistence is another one here), orthodox in its message (the story itself serves as an anti-death penalty testimony and Kenny's reparation deal doesn’t even get to be mentioned once), televisual in its anonymous imagery and unmemorable in its banal auditory accompaniment, plus above-average acting effort from tested thespians (Lewis is a two-scenes stealer here as a battered peckerwood), while it is despicable to witness such inequity in the police and legal department, what really interests CONVICTION is that an ordinary person like Betty Anne Waters can win this upward crusade of exoneration mostly by her own exertion speaks volumes of its larger milieu, as if proclaiming such feat can only be viable in a freedom-advocating country named USA, only considering how things have changed ever since, today, it is very hard to suppress a proverb like “even a stopped clock is right twice in a day” to its self-conscious patriotic agenda.

referential entries: Clint Eastwood’s MILLION DOLLAR BABY (2004, 8.0/10); RICHARD JEWELL (2019, 6.8/10).

 5 ) 非法律剧,人生励志剧


 6 ) 让人热泪盈眶的温情电影



这是一个由疯狂的偏执狂而产生的锲而不舍的感人故事 故事的真实性告诉我们一个恒古不变的道理 世上无难事只怕有心人 没有你做不到的事 关键在于你下了多少决心 花了多少力气 这是一部非常棒的电影 没有矫情 煽情 只有亲情 真情 友情

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And I try, I tried with all my might!上帝无法不眷顾对亲情和信念如此坚守的人

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这种沉冤昭雪的剧情成功催了我一泡泪。不过还是得残念地说,奥斯卡没你什么事儿。就是颁,也只该颁给Sam Rockwell一个最佳男配,或者还该给茱丽叶特.刘易斯一个最佳女配,尤其仅最后出场5分钟,那一口黑牙加神经质的表情,亦足以超越08年《虐童疑云》Viola Davis的大鼻涕了

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稳健、有力,凭借Sam Rockwell 和Hilary Swank 强大的定力与配角们的集体出彩,Conviction足够获得学院最佳影片的一席之位。

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-Lake Betty Anne and Kenny. -Lake Kenny and Betty Anne.

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A weekend stuck in New York City because of the Hurricane Irene, I watched a lot of movies on TV. This is one. The picture is dull. No pretty girl nor handsome guy. But it is a story that makes you wonder, can I do this? Do I have the love? the trust? the power? and the insist?

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