《米兰达》是一部在英国的BBC TWO台播出的情景喜剧,源于一档电台节目“Miranda Hart的玩笑商店”。
Miranda(米兰达·哈特 Miranda Hart 饰)总是让她妈妈失望,她对此也无能为力。妈妈每天的任务是一心把她嫁出去,但Miranda的相貌身材即使搭配晚装依然被认为异装癖;参与任何正式的女人谈话聚会总是洋相百出时。Miranda经营一家玩笑商店,雇员是她的老朋友娇小可人跟她反差鲜明的Stevie(萨拉·哈德兰 Sarah Hadland 饰)。无厘头的潮爆老妈,吐槽女神兼死党店员,帅气天然呆的暧昧男友。这一切就是Miranda生活的全部,她就用自己的方式一直积极快乐着......
Gary,hi,um...I've got something I need to say.I'm sorry that I haven't said that I'll miss you.It's just,if I do,I'd make a fool of myself because I'd say that I'll miss coming in to the restaurant every morning.Not because of the cakes,although they do have a strong bearing,but because my heart skips a beat every time I see you.And I'd say I'll miss you,because you're the one person I can be myself with and underneath all the fear,you're the only person I could consider a relationship with,because...I love you. And that's why it's best that I don't say anything.
感觉每个人都或多或少可以在米兰达身上找到一些共同点,不管是闪光点还是我们试图掩盖的弱点,米兰达都可以轻松诙谐地面对,此乃人生智慧。透过米兰达,我看到了五味杂陈的市井百态,人生起起伏伏,风风雨雨,一切皆可从容面对。可惜全季剧终,真心舍不得,意犹未尽,会一遍一遍地反复品味。Miranda,you are such fun, I fancy you.
PS:今天也要加油开心生活哟!(Miranda wink)
Gary,hi,um...I've got something I need to say.I'm sorry that I haven't said that I'll miss you.It's just,if I do,I'd make a fool of myself because I'd say that I'll miss coming in to the restaurant every morning.Not because of the cakes,although they do have a strong bearing,but because my heart skips a beat every time I see you.And I'd say I'll miss you,because you're the one person I can be myself with and underneath all the fear,you're the only person I could consider a relationship with,because...I love you. And that's why it's best that I don't say anything.
Gary, hi, um...I' ve got something I need to say. I'm sorry that I haven't said that I'll miss you. It's just, if I do, l'd make a fool of myself because I'd say that I' lIl miss coming in to the restaurant every morning. Not because of the cakes, although they do have a strong bearing, but because my heart skips a beat every time I see you. And I'd say I'll miss you, because you're the one person I can be myself with and underneath all the fear, you're the only person I could consider a relationship with, because...I love you. And that's why it's best that I don't say anything.
Gary, hi, um... 加里 你好 I've got something I need to say. 有些话我必须得说出来
-- Yeah? -- 说吧
I'm sorry that I haven't said that I'll miss you. 很抱歉之前没说我会想你 It's just, if I do, 其实是因为 如果我说了 I'd make a fool of myself because I'd say 我会搞得自己像个傻子 因为我肯定会说 that I'll miss coming in to the restaurant every morning. 我会怀念每天早上到餐厅来的时光 Not because of the cakes, 不是冲着蛋糕 although they do have a strong bearing, 虽然蛋糕的吸引力确实非同小可 but because my heart skips a beat every time I see you. 而是因为每次见到你 我就心慌意乱 And I'd say I'll miss you 我要说的是 我会想你的 because you're the one person I can be myself with 因为跟你在一起的时候我可以做回我自己 and underneath all the fear, 虽然我的心中充满畏惧 you're the only person I could consider a relationship with, 如果我想谈恋爱 你是我的唯一人选 because... I love you. 因为 我爱你 And that's why it's best that I don't say anything. 我之前沉默不语因为那是最好的办法
-- Yeah, that's probably best. -- 是啊 或许那样最好 -- Because I'd say that's what I've been wanting to hear for ages. -- 因为我会说我等这些话已经很久很久了 -- And I'd turn down Hong Kong -- 我会拒绝香港的邀请 -- and say let's give us a go. -- 也给咱俩一个机会
米兰达(2009).剧情对白(台词 全)//www.kexiaoguo.com/meiju1117/29/
not very annoying, ovary annoying × 3
很典型的英式搞笑! 这个女演员不简单!
笑笑笑惨了我了-You just said you are married.-Divorced now.-And the kids?-...Dead. -Really? What happened?-They froze...They froze to death, Gary!
miranda含义珍贵的赞美,部份人将Miranda描绘为高大美丽的异国女子,高贵神秘甚至不可一世→ →
such fun!
Such Fun!!!!!!!小马跳!!!!!!!!频频跟观众对话!!!!频频摔倒!!!!!!!!
such fun!
虎妞一大枚 却也有真爱!
that's what i called: SUCH FUN!!!