Martin(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)因无法跟自己11岁的自闭儿子Jake(大卫·马宋兹 David Mazouz 饰)交流而烦恼,多次尝试都以失败告终。Jake总是面无表情,一整天独自捣腾报废的手机,通过拆解、摆弄零部件的方式来看这个世界 。
Jake的事例引起社工Clea(古古·姆巴塔-劳 Gugu Mbatha-Raw 饰)的注意。她拜访了Martin的家,指出Martin的全部生活已经被一个他再也无法控制的小孩所支配。决定要让政府来介入解决这个家庭问题。当Martin发现Jake拥有预见事情的能力,和掌握着连接任何事物的模式后,一切都改变了。实际上Jake一直在通过数字与人交流。现在Jake需要他的父亲Martin去破解这些数字的含义,似乎这些数字影响着他们的命运......
The ratio is always the same.1 to 1.618 over and over and over again.The patterns-- are hidden in plain sight.Just have to know where to look.Things most people see as chaos actually follow subtle laws of behavior.Galaxies, plants, seashells.The patterns never lie.But only some of us can see how the pieces fit together.7,080,360,000 of us live on this tiny planet.This is the story of some of those people.There's an ancient Chinese myth about the Red Thread of Fate.It says the gods have tied a red thread around every one of our ankles and attached it to all the people whose lives we're destined to touch.This thread may stretch or tangle, but it'll never break.
I live on this planet with 7,080,360,000 other people.This is the story of some of those people.Today the average person will say 2,250 words to 7.4 other individuals.We will send over 300 billion e-mails,19 billion text messages,all adding to the giant mosaic of patterns and ratios.Mathematical in design,these patterns are hidden in plain sight.You just have to know where to look,but only some of us can see how the pieces fit together.It’s all been predetermined by mathematical probability.
There are 3 million species of animals living in the tropical rain forests,and one of them,the red fire ant,lives underground,under constant threat of annihilation from flash floods.Nature doesn’t care.If a species want to survive,it has to prove it deserves to.When the floods come,the fire ants hold on to each other,creating a living raft that can float until the water recedes.Months,if necessary.So how does a species figure something like that out ?Instinct?Trial and error?Was there one fire ant who was being swept away by the rushing water and grabbed on to another ant,only to find that together they could float?What if you were the one who knew what needed to be done but you had no words?How do you make the others understand?How do you call for help?
The first transatlantic telegraph cable was made of 340,500 miles of copper and iron wire,designed to stretch 2,876.95 miles along the ocean floor.Once the cable was in place,you could use electrical impulses and signal code to send any message you wanted to the other side of the world.Human beings are hard-wired with the impulses to share our ideas and the desire to know we’re been heard.It’s all part of our need for community.That’s why we’re constantly sending out signals and signs.It’s why we look for them from other people.We’re always waiting for messages,hoping for connection.And if we haven’t received a message,it doesn’t always mean it hasn’t been sent to us.Sometimes it means we haven’t been listening hard enough.
490,000 babies will be born today,each of them unique,and each of them a link in the greater human chain.And the moment their umbilical cord is served they will become an individual with their own hopes,dreams and desires.But, in fact,each one of us is actually made up of a dozen systems.
89 degrees,15 minutes and 50.8 seconds.That’s the current position of Polaris.The Northern Star.Viewed from another planet,it’s just one among many.But on Earth,it’s uniquely important.Fixed in place,an anchor.No matter where you are in the northern hemisphere,if you face Polaris,you face north.You know where you are.But there are other ways to get lost.In the choices we make.In events that overwhelm us.Even with our own minds.What can be an anchor then?What beacon can we turn to to guide us from darkness to light?What if it’s other people?The lives that touch our own,in ways big and small?Because unlike Polaris the light that they bring will never fade.
During cataclysmic global events,our collective consciousness synchronizes.So do the numeric sequences created by random number generators science can’t explain the phenomenon,but religion does.It’s called prayer.A collective request sent up in unison,a shared hope,fear relieved,a life spared.Numbers are constant until they’re not.In times of tragedy times of collective joy,in these brief moments,it is only the shared emotional experience that makes the world seem less random.Maybe it’s coincidence.And maybe it’s the answer to your prayers.
If two points are destined to touch the universe will find a way to make the connection.Even when all hope seems lost certain ties cannot be broken.They define who you are.And who we can become.Across space across time along paths we cannot predict nature always finds a way.
The Earth,as it rotates,emits a frequency,a musical note,at 7.83 hertz.But this frequency alters slightly for reasons as yet uncertain.Some postulate solar flares as the cause,or electrical disturbance in the atmosphere.But maybe there’s a simpler explanation.Maybe the sound of the planet is influenced by the seven billion souls whirring around it,each producing their own music,adding their own harmony.
We’re all part of this infinite tessellation,each a single celllin the honeycomb.And though individual pieces of this puzzle may never physically touch they all from part of that same grand mosaic.Like bricks in a wall, the whole is made stronger by each brick.Remove one,and it all comes crumbling down.Though we may not realize it,the integrity of this wall is tested daily.But the wall holds because of everyone’s collective support.
Items that get caught in the gyre usually stay in the gyre,doomed to travel the same path,forever circulating the same waters.But not always.Their paths can be altered by a change in the weather,a storm at sea,a chance encounter with a pod of whales.
There are 31,530,000 seconds in a year.1,000 milliseconds in a second.A million microseconds.A billion nanoseconds.And the one constant,connecting nanoseconds to years,is change the universe.From atom to galaxy,is in a perpetual state of flux.But we humans don’t like change.We fight it.It scares us.So we create the illusion of stasis.We want to believe in a world at rest,the world of right now.Yet our great paradox remains the same .The moment we grasp the “now” that “now”is gone.We cling to snapshots.
We can’t help but wonder how much different one person makes in the world.We look inside ourselves,questioning if we have the capacity for heroism and greatness.But the truth is,every time we take an action,we make an impact.Every choice we make sends ripples out into the world.Our smallest acts of kindness can cause a chain reaction of unforeseen benefits for people we’ve never met.We might not witness those results,but they happen all the same.
有人说,big bang 塑造的理工研究者形象完全是为了满足业外人士对理工 geek 们的扭曲意淫(对,卢十四就是你说的)。今天看了一集 Touch,觉得这才是集中体现了不了解数学的人对数学的意淫。 数学嘛,就是神神叨叨的证明和计算,研究的是神妙的数字,老师都是些天外飞仙,数学好的人,很大很大的一堆数字他们也可以信手拈来,当然,这些人无一例外都是些神经病。某些数学模式在自然中屡屡神秘出现,真是神奇!似乎早就被数学预言了!谁要是搞懂了数学,一定可以预知未来了,买彩票什么的更是不在话下,随便中个几百万妥妥的。 都是扯淡好吗。 如果你觉得数学看起来神神叨叨,请注意,这是因为你没认真去看,不要把数学和其他那些真正的神棍理论扯到一起,那些东西虽然你也不懂,但你永远都不会懂,实际上,没有任何人懂,因为那都是装神弄鬼故弄玄虚,他们追求的就是“虽然不是很明白但是看起来很厉害的样子”。请注意,让人不明觉厉,不但是神棍理论的表象,也是它们的内核,是它们的终极目标。故弄玄虚就是神棍的饭碗,从古到今莫不如此。不管外衣多么扑朔迷离玄奥莫测,扒开里面都是空无一物。
而数学有朴实简洁到极致的面孔,因为它必须敞开心扉让你懂,否则会被无情唾弃。如果你智商正常但是看不明白,那说明它很可能错了。绝不说明它厉害。 另外,很难的数学不是一大堆数字堆在一起好像八百个数独同时出现在你面前看起来很厉害的样子,至少绝大部分数学分支不是这样。把 318 这几个数字写八万遍也不会比写一遍更厉害,就算是写在文艺范笔记本上也不厉害!顺便说一句,以后出去吃饭不要总叫学数学的同学算账,他们真的不是学这个的。他们的教材上出现的阿拉伯数字主要集中在页码上。 搞数学的人并不都是神经病!不管是数学系本科生还是天才数学家,都不会成天在一个小本子上发疯似的涂抹一些数字,并且期望以这种方式跟他们的父母交流。编剧大概是幼年被数学打击过,才会滋生出这样病态的想象吧。 自然界的现象遵循某些数学模式,并没有任何神秘的地方,蜂窝、分形、斐波那契数列,都因为那是高效利用能量的方式,低效的基因都被淘汰掉了而已。并不是牛逼的数学预言了一切!还有,“这个小孩自己发现了斐波那契数列”,一点都不厉害!还不如掏出莫比乌斯环来吓吓大师! 虽然存在量子纠缠这回事,但是请不要马上就满眼星星紧握双手面带微笑说出“所有事物,所有人,你和我,都是相连的,我们都不孤单”这种鬼话。量子纠缠跟你我这种宏观物体的意识没有半毛钱关系。是的,我们都很孤单。 磁力王能控制所有金属的东西,但数学天才并不能控制彩票和手机,尽管它们的号码都是数字。这种想当然的联系可以说是愚蠢至极。还有中国古代传说人们之间系有红线,这确实是令人心驰神往的意境,但预知并控制这种联系,却已进入了神棍的领域。你可以在宗教范畴里尽情去虚构和阐释,但请不要把无辜的数学扯进来。 是的,编剧你不懂中国的红线,你也不懂数学,那不意味着他们就是一回事!你看不懂人与人之间的联系,你也看不懂数学证明,但你不要认为有人能看懂数学证明的话,就能看懂人类的联系了。 数学不神秘,也不超自然。数学的美和巧妙,惟有理解才能体会。“虽不明但觉历”是各种神秘超自然流神婆大师愚弄和催眠信众的安慰剂,但它不属于科学。科学不需要神棍,不需要安慰剂,这些不科学。
so forced and pretentious. just a complete dumbing down of what family means and what connection means, manipulating you into having a reaction. and you know, not every autistic person is a savant, i wish hollywood would realize that
这部剧第一集所定下的庞大设定给人以惊喜,但再往后每一集都是这样的套路就显得毫无新意,而且细究下去牵强附会之处太多;实在受不了小强这幅苦大仇深又无可奈何的模样,还是弃了。P.S. 话说这Jake换我小时候也能演,不就是片头念个旁白,其余时候装傻逼吗?