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主演:奥拉维尔·埃利亚松,Neri Oxman



抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.1抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.2抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.3抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.4抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.5抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.6抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.13抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.14抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.15抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.16抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.17抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.18抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.19抽象:设计的艺术第二季 剧照 NO.20



  《抽象》由斯科特·达迪奇、摩根·内维尔、戴夫·奥康纳、贾斯汀·威尔克斯和乔恩·凯曼担任监制,RadicalMedia 与 Tremolo Productions 和 Godfrey Dadich Partners 联合制作。

热播电视剧最新电影庙不可言灯塔2016恋爱的干预 第三季中间人先生第三季非凡管家(原声版)秋缠断肠记少女闯江湖战略突击手(国语版)芝加哥烈焰第一季密林追击失踪的宝贝巴黎颂纽约情无人问津2016夏目友人帐 第三季双宝斗恶魔不请自来咕噜咕噜美人鱼2八月十五废头斗破苍穹我那倒霉的工作弄江湖之情到深处市子


 1 ) From nature to naturing

Naturing is not nature.In fact I think all nouns should be verbs including naturing is instead of nature . I often ask how to nature this building into being. 多数人理解的世界是静态的名词,而非动态的复杂系统,我们如何塑造周围的事物或物理现实,以匹配自然。人类要意识到世界与自己的交互,尤其是自己的言行对世界的影响。 从分子生物到材料建筑,未来的设计实践,自然应该是唯一的客户。

先是看了Neri Oxman这集,并追了她五年前的Teds。

Art is for expression, science is for exploration, engineering is for invention, design is for communication. Why can’t these four squares and create a circle out of them. 对自然,对世界,对设计和创造的每一个想法都太开阔了。 (超字数了,就写一小段对Neri的感想。)

 2 ) neri oxman

Best episode of the season! Simply mind blowing! Only if more young generation architects are willing to pursue architecture through exploring, experiencing and engaging all available and applicable sources. And unlocking the possibility and imagination through architecture. Instead of making Instagram-worthy architecture.

 3 ) (S2E3) Art is prayer

Black Panther的Costume Designer 确实是在dress a culture 设计出了humanity & emotionality

而最感人的是她丈夫被shot之后 她grieving之后的那首诗(我猜是她自己写的 介于她那么喜欢poem)整个画面的剪辑风格和Wes Anderson的Moonrise Kingdom开头非常像 很喜欢这个宣言 特别empowering

I’m gonna take me seriously.


I have taken school,

parents, friends, poets seriously.

I’ve known the cracker to be seriously dangerous.

I’ve taken daytime, nighttime rhetoric seriously,

and been wounded by lovers of slick, black rapping.

I’m gonna look in a mirror each time I pass one

and smile at my image, sayin’,

“Yeah, sister, it ain’t easy,

but move beautifully on past it.

Keep holding’ your head higher,

‘Cause your best is yet to come.”

I’m gonna take me seriously.

Today. Now.

And study myself.

Get a PhD in Ruth Carter

and dare anyone to be an authority on me.

‘Cause I’ll be wounded with Ruth’s beauty,

learning, love,

and will be dangerous.

I’m gonna be serious about me

and live.

 4 ) Ian Spalter: Digital Product Design


On the development processes of stand-up comedians and how they put together an act: “You hear about how iterative the process is.” “They may work on the same bit multiple times a night, telling the jokes in a slightly different way, taking that feedback until its tuned.”

On navigating the world as a minority, someone different: “There can be both a high bar and a low bar for you. You are in situations where people dont expect a lot from you, but at the same time, the price for failure seems very, very high. Sometimes you can use that as motivation, to go above amd beyond, to lrove something. Other times it can be kind of crushing, doubt yourself. i think that helps build my sense of empathy for people.” 这是这一集令我最有同感的一段话。特别特别同意。

 5 ) 不是影评,个人碎碎记录

23/4/28。第一集,是交互视频耶,自然的艺术啊,椭圆镜很有意思,“我们不要把自然视为理所当然,要意识到如果我努力,我可以看到更多”狠狠赞同了。奥拉维尔对于色光的理解与应用让我醍醐灌顶,原来还能这么玩,以及其他思考,有空再刷刷。 23/4/29。第二集,第一眼我就知道我会喜欢这个女人,内利太有魅力了啊。 23/5/1。第三集,之前看《我们都为比尔着盛装》唤起了尘封已久的对于服装的喜爱之情以及关于自我表达的沉思,看这集更加感受到服装魅力和个体表现的独特之处。 23/5/1。第四集,卡斯这种文具比我上幼儿园玩的积木有趣多了,大玩具对于现在的我来说还是很有吸引力啊,可是,现在好像已经没有无所顾忌地自由玩耍的时间了,但也是自己的一种选择吧,希望以后能愉快玩耍!看到后面提到的抄袭,只能说啊这,我国专利保护方面确实……看后面卡斯追版权好像处理的还好。卡斯提到她作为同性恋的身份不被认可的那部分很沉重,可以明显感受到她的情绪,她的父亲甚至为此和她几乎断绝了关系,让人唏嘘。



 6 ) Abstract02记笔记

第一集 Olafur Eliasson

Beauty 1993

不同角度每个人看到的彩虹是不一样的,'The person next you doesn't see your rainbow. This is a space totally rely on you being there,' 就能给别人一种 这部分的艺术是你和艺术家共同创造的一样,没有spectator, no art

他家的一个神奇椭圆镜子 the time sequence can be off改变时间序列

It's always mix nature and design

HARPA 雷克雅未克 建筑面倾斜,可以作为镜子反射阳光


How can we make abstract things tangible? 〈现实投影仪Reality Projecter2018〉移动的影子+色彩+sounds

a viewer of a work of art is smart enough to co... the narrative

when ask children to draw a car, it's not really about the car, it's more about fo you have the fantasy to see the car?

Turning thinking into doing

气泡从融化的冰块中出来的时候,is not like disappearing, it's arriving, about present

it's always important to design things that has positive narrative

后悔没有早点在道隐无名的展时了解到他 cool guy

第二集 生物建筑师Neri Oxman

Cohabiting and cofabricating

喜欢这几段话,仅仅是她自身对生活的感悟: You have to go away to comw back home. You will never really truly have the sense of home until you leave home, but when you come back and smell the air, you go back all the way to childhood. I'm ready to be 3 again.

Nature is a entity that crying for love. There's different ways of communicating with nature. We are getting closer to nature, the arc get began with nature inspired design, and ends with design inspire nature. You have to question yourself in order to creat. Everything is miracle 第三集 服饰设计师

And one thing that I did to research what would be the future was to look at the past. 黑豹中的服饰 追溯古老非洲服饰 Costume is giving you information about the character, in a way that serves as a story I'm gonna to take me seriously, today, now. And study myself.


2021.10 netflix首页推荐了,所以就把两季都看完了,好多厉害的艺术家哦。

  • xixi嘻嘻
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Olafur Eliasson强的

  • kulilin
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  • 女宛心兑
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才发现这部纪录片的导演跟“Free Solo”的那个女生导演/制片人是同一个人。

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  • 伊夏🪀
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很喜欢第4集做玩具的Cas Holman.

  • 𓆡𓆝𓆟𓆜𓆞𓆝𓆟
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  • 菜花
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有Olafur Eliasson诶;MIT女教授美到令人窒息

  • 木叶
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  • Costi
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To create the human-centered magic similar to film. Sooooo inspiring for my point. Excellent trailer.

  • Francesca.L
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  • mumudancing
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UIUX对比其他行业的虚无感真的是爆棚 感觉电子产品的设计(包括游戏)也是这种感觉。他们可以考虑采访上田文人or小岛秀夫

  • 千里千里
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最终 Ian Spalter 还是卸任了 Instagram 的 design head,demote 粉丝数的设计至今也没全量发布,鄙行业设计思想内核之虚无只能靠 infinite scroll 设计师的忏悔跟蒙太奇强行上层次了。巩固技术暴政的不是技术本身,而是每天使用它但又不理解它的人们的无知。

  • JAXX
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  • 郭七七
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  • 没有脚的头
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  • 午睡猪
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第二季依然精彩。因为每天浸泡在数字产品设计的术语里,太过熟悉了,对Ian Spalter 那一集变得无感。很喜欢 Neri 的一个观点:在未来,设计师的“客户”将不复存在,她们唯一的客户就是“大自然”。Ruth Carter 魅力四射。

  • 王三十九
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Neri Oxman太美了……但其他也都很好看!

  • PenPen
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设计这个大游乐园真是太好玩了啊!这一季最喜欢 Ruth Carter,行走的人格魅力

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  • 糖果悠唐
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