简介: 本剧的世界设定是普通人类和拟人化的动物共同生活在一起,除了外形,这些动物跟人类没什么不同。马男波杰克(威尔·阿奈特 Will Arnett 配音)是一匹中年过气明星马,他年轻时主演的电视剧《胡闹的小马》风靡一时,而今他已是无人问津的过气明星,与陶德(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 配音)一同生活在LA的一所..详细 >
是不是每次一放假,就会整天看电视,如果爸妈给你做饭或者点外卖很方便,可以一个月不出门。可是如果上班上学了,我们又可以很正常地生活。我们总想提高自己,be a better man,却总是事与愿违,一闲下来,我们总是做着那些无聊的事,不懂得时间是如何流逝的。也许我的人生理想就是:做一个堕落的富婆,每天可以无后顾之忧地看电视。
Out to Sea (#2.12) (2015) "It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier."
"I don't understand how people... live. It's amazing to me that people wake up every morning and say: "Yeah, another day, let's do it." How do people do it? I don't know how."
-- Live Fast, Diane Nguyen (#1.5) (2014) BoJack Horseman: What's great about Los Angeles is nobody cares where you're from or who you are. It's a superficial town where you can worry about stupid shit like keeping your pool clean, and what artisanal nuts to put on your salad. Diane: I do like salad. BoJack Horseman: Oh, it's the best! Why do you think people keep moving there?
-- Later (#1.12) (2014) BoJack Horseman: What do I do now? Diane Nguyen: Well, That's the problem with life, right? Either you know what you want, and then you don't get what you want. Or you get what you want, and then you don't know what you want BoJack Horseman: Well, that's stupid. Diane Nguyen: Yeah...
-- Yes And (#2.10) (2015) Wanda Pierce: What happened? BoJack Horseman: Same thing that always happens. You didn't know me and then you fell in love with me. And now you know me. --
Let's Find Out (#2.8) (2015) Mr. Peanutbutter: All I ever wanted was to be your friend. And you treat me like a big joke. You think I don't notice? Why don't you like me? BoJack Horseman: Mr. Peanutbutter... Mr. Peanutbutter: No, tell me. BoJack Horseman: Because... I'm jealous. Mr. Peanutbutter: Oh. Of what? Diane? BoJack Horseman: No. Of everything. Everything comes so easy for you. Mr. Peanutbutter: Oh, and it doesn't for you? You're a millionaire movie star with a girlfriend who loves you, acting in your dream movie. What more do you want? What else could the universe possible owe you? BoJack Horseman: I... want... to feel good about myself. The way you do. And I don't know how. I don't know if I can. --
Hank After Dark (#2.7) (2015) BoJack Horseman: God Dammit, Honeydew? Jesus, why does Cantaloupe think every time it gets invited to a party it can bring along its dumb friend Honeydew? You don't get a plus one Cantaloupe.
-- "The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn’t the search for meaning, it’s to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and eventually, you’ll be dead.” -Mr. Peanut Butter
it does get easier! everyone needs a todd, princess carolyn or mr peanutbutter.
It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier, but you have to do it everyday. That's the hard part.
Sophie Z
第一季时还觉得mr peanutbutter挺傻逼的 现在只想嫁给他
bad guy☆
It gets easier. Everyday it gets a little easier. But you have to do it everyday. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.
It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.
it does get easier! everyone needs a todd, princess carolyn or mr peanutbutter.
It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier, but you have to do it everyday. That's the hard part.
第一季时还觉得mr peanutbutter挺傻逼的 现在只想嫁给他
It gets easier. Everyday it gets a little easier. But you have to do it everyday. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.
It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.
這季看得边哭边笑 但BJ依舊是個禽兽 本来电影是本色演出 演着演着又变成胡闹小马 BJ再次三观尽碎 编剧请大力虐金毛不要停(但金毛说他是拉布拉多) 陶德有抖M潜质 戴安作为唯一正常人终于被逼疯了 越来越喜欢公主 虽然公主很爱小钱钱 但从没出卖自己的幸福 而且作为队友每次都神助攻 不像其他那些坑货
ep10-11差点看到抑郁情绪爆发(和当年看Louie一样),好在季终看到超级大暖男PeanutButter和“作”了半季的Diane近在咫尺的电话还有Todd和BoJack有点诡异的友谊才得以释怀>> 本季最唏嘘的是哈利波特来客串的那一集,Lisa的加盟最可爱。
没第1季那么颓丧了。但就像一个末期病人,以为他好点了其实并没有;只是每天都得继续过下去,所以渐渐也就无所谓了。I do hope you find ways to be happy.
哼了一天「Back to the 90s,I was in a very famous TV show...」
啊为什么动画片都开始这么虐心了呀!季终直接泪目!金毛狗好暖 princess Carolyn人生呕像
这就是所谓的" 揭穿好莱坞的虚伪本质"吧。
"It gets easier. Every day it gets easier, but you gotta do it everyday. That's the hard part."PS:我要嫁一个金毛犬!