这部 Netflix 原创喜剧新片《无为大师》由因出演《公园与游憩》而声名大噪的喜剧演员阿兹·安萨里自编、自导、自演,基本上是根据阿兹·安萨里自己的生活经历改编。《无为大师》讲述了纽约一个年界三十的演员德夫的工作和生活。他连自己下一餐要吃什么都无法决定,更不用说接下来的人生路要如何抉择。德夫的故事在搞笑的同时也反映主人公的勃勃雄心,他的生活就像拍电影一样,不仅极具广度而且洋溢着浓烈的个人气息。片中将展示老年人的困境、移民经历,以及怎么寻找最美味的意大利面当晚饭。本片由萨里和《公园与游憩》编剧阿伦·扬联合制作,由阿兹·安萨里、阿伦·扬、迈克尔·舒尔、戴夫·贝姬和戴维·米内尔监制。
热播电视剧最新电影城市别动队与霍金一起了解宇宙火神之力阿娜伊斯爱情卢布克2024紧急审讯室SP:女性朋友进化岛十五年等待候鸟SPEC完结篇:爻之篇虎头要塞之电流与恐龙同行国语联邦调查局:国际 第四季幸存者:柬埔寨之第二次机会第三十一季太祖秘史地狱厨房(美版) 第十四季致我深爱的每个你逆时营救2017快递先生与贵妃小姐闪亮的名字第二季我爱她2017头文字D第一季国语省港大营救摩根河的奇迹刀锋战士(电视剧版)人类之巅魔女游戏1996我的小马驹:友谊大魔法 第八季The lovely couple has been through a lot and finally end up like this. I wouldn’t believe the real couple will be that nuts until now. They separate for a better themselves, which is inspiringly painful. For some reason, I think their breakup is so damn fake but they rush out of the place is sooo real. How could 2 year relationship would broke simply bc of the phobia against marriage and not afraid of losing the person? You guys will later regret it.
印度裔生活中遇到的社会偏见、各个人生阶段的会出现的 big problem、各视角的生活方式,所有这些,放在一起,组成这一部“MASTER OF NONE”。可能并不像专门抓住一个主题展开叙述的一部奥斯卡片子那样尖锐,但却让人在观影过程中更加轻松,就像漫步在一个弄堂,偶地瞥见每家每户的生活小剧场,更为真实,也更受用!反而,现在诸多揪着某个社会现象去深度叙述的电影总是给人一种为赋新词强说愁的难受!
再说片名,master of none,主角就是这样一个干啥啥不行的人,30而立,在他热爱的演员事业上,一次次受挫,或许是由于种族原因,他得到了机会,又因为种族原因,他失去了这个机会,很有意思,也偶尔替他难过。Actually,多数的我们都是master of none,成为不了所谓人中龙凤,但我们会有为喜欢的人做出好吃的意面、research半个小时只为和朋友找一家附近最好吃的taco,这样那样的spark!这不就是生活中最重要的小事吗
第三集:抢到两张火热的票子,作为an unpopular man的存在,苦恼约哪个女生去玩
这样一个个的黑色幽默 却能够轻松看完 很是成功的一部网飞了 有空看第二季!
It is only fair to conclude that Mr. Ansari is emotionally intelligent and politically perceptive in the show-biz terms, knowing what would resonate with or at least intrigue a burgeoning multicultural audience - the backstories of a mysterious culture with its own evolution over time and variations within. However, just when you think this is one of the typical cross-culture textbook materials, it surprises you with the mundane yet adorable domesticity of romance and the sassy New Yorker wittiness that completely shift your attention away from the sob stories of minority to what is universally relatable.
It is even funnier when I found out those were the real parents. “Hey, what’s up, man. ”
The irony is incredibly entertaining - we are products of how we were raised, harboring the same exceptions for our children to treat us with the exact reverence and obedience that we did to our parents, but only to find out that how we have been raising them, an allegedly more advanced and respectful approach, has completely transformed the way our children perceive the world, a world where they are not obligated to answer to anyone but themselves, as they are protected from the very ingredient that forges the sense of awe and respect towards their elders - fear.
Kudos on the political sensitivity, “he was in another country.” The reason why it is hard to accept the need to cater to the “mainstream” lies in the very idealism upon which this country is built. However, this is a matter of espoused theory and theory-in-use, as always.
Tell me it’s a coincidence that you decided to heavily refer to Reddington when I’ve just started binging Blacklist.
The weirdest thing is when I was listening to Granny Carol telling Dev that he would one day have stories to tell, it occurred to me how much I looked up to you when we were together for the world you dove in that seemed to me way beyond our maturity level, the way you talked, the way you remained silent. It was all looked so sophisticated and mysterious to me that I felt almost uncontrollably drawn towards like a moth to a street lamp. On the other hand, I was also frustrated by the fact that my world was so limited and monotonous that I had no clues the things you could see and understand. Until now, it is almost cliche that it turns out all I’ve ever needed is to go on a journey of discovery on my own, and most importantly the time for which I have to wait until I develop the necessary emotional reach to others and to myself. I’m pleased with how I’m now able to better understand you in some ways and have a less one-way conversation with you, if I had a chance to. On the up note, the courage is undeniable. Yet somehow there’s a vague feeling of contempt brewing, the feeling that I can’t wait to see you circle back after all endeavors to seek for happiness and that 100% certainty, empty-handed, with a twinge of despair and exhaustion on your face, telling me how you’ve walked through the arena and put up what to the audience a good fight but still feel that nothing has changed in you, and that the fire has never been kindled yet.
And that would be the saddest story of all.
i thought about my sister and how she always wanted to live in Paris and now she’s never going to. and if i don’t do this now, i don’t think i ever will.
i don’t know. i will figure something out.
i love you but i want to do this and this is important to me.
I don’t want to wake up one day and wonder “what would it have been like if I went to Japan?”
I always play it safe and I can’t do it anymore.
The time in our life to do crazy shit is winding down.
i don’t want to wake up one day and see that window is already closed.
太棒了。距离上一次看这么舒服的喜剧还是bored to death...
Aziz严格意义上的首次独立打拼?还行吧。第四集Indians on TV写得真的超级好,(这集能邀到Mindy来客串就更好了),绝对是少数族裔不愤怒却又有力的观察和呼吁。当中有几集不免俗的依然谈的是情爱,关系,如果能舍弃掉这些略显陈词滥调的情节设置,搭配上更好的主题,Aziz绝对前途无量。
surprisingly enjoyable after first episode.
It's okay
Aziz Ansari玩导编演铁人三项,表演略刻意不够自然,但剧本优秀不矫饰,选材一流,苹果城真是个熔炉,连边缘群体都这么伍迪范
喜欢去nashville那集还有grandma carol那集
Let's admit it, the cutest Indian people in Hollywood are Aziz and Mindy! Aziz’s parents are hilarious."Fun is a luxury only your generation really has." And Harris Wittels had some involvement with it and you can definitely see it in spots.
5 stars after 2 episodes, the new Seinfeld is here. The show makes you laugh with a bitter aftertaste. Genius, sophisticated, and most importantly, real.
这样的想走就走的前提是有一本好护照 :)
Aziz的故事告诉我们 自黑的段子一定要收集好 早晚攒够一部剧
非常有趣的喜剧 看似是很生活化的喜剧 实则延伸到男女关系 当代社会 婚姻家庭 种族问题 文化冲突 男女平权 等社会问题的探讨上 以喜剧去探讨社会话题 保持了幽默性的同时 也给予不同方面的视角去探讨 这让我想到FX的《你最坏》同样都是爱情故事为主线 去以小见大
说实话不知道为啥 觉得有点僵硬 对白与对白之间转场都很奇怪 感觉有些弱 但单独拎出对话来看 还蛮有意思的 简直是ethnic大电影啊 仔细回想我有印象的印度裔活跃在好莱坞 我真的只知道aziz ansari和mindy kaling