Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our climate crisis. If they're successful, they'll not only make history, they'll change the future.
热播电视剧最新电影拉马奎纳欲望都市 纪录片美少女战队晨晨的日记大汉风之群雄并起潘多拉之战天堂大塞车社长,战斗的时间到了!编织记忆第一季德云社烧饼曹鹤阳相声专场吉林站2024当我往前走之时偶尔会瞥到一缕美丽之景颜值杂货铺CI5行动 第四季我叫赵甲第废弃小屋月水金火木土Play U第二季幸福衰生活第一季SPEC机密行动2024家路大肚和帕图流浪记秦始皇2007诡眼2015鱼之子掘金之旅龙之战2017