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黑暗时代 剧照 NO.1黑暗时代 剧照 NO.2黑暗时代 剧照 NO.3黑暗时代 剧照 NO.4黑暗时代 剧照 NO.5黑暗时代 剧照 NO.6黑暗时代 剧照 NO.13黑暗时代 剧照 NO.14黑暗时代 剧照 NO.15黑暗时代 剧照 NO.16黑暗时代 剧照 NO.17黑暗时代 剧照 NO.18黑暗时代 剧照 NO.19黑暗时代 剧照 NO.20


巫师梅林(尼科尔·威廉森 Nicol Williamson 饰)赐予了亚瑟王(尼吉尔·特瑞 Nigel Terry 饰)一把充满了魔力的神剑,在临终之前,亚瑟王将这把神剑插入了巨石之中,他立下遗嘱,若是有谁能够将神剑从石头中拔出,便可以获得成为英国国王的资格。热播电视剧最新电影墙头记味园莎德莱克义海风云红字1995生死卧底强风吹拂旧金山的最后一个黑人海啸与樱花刀的哲学奥德赛:海神的诅咒专业团队铁蛋铜锤维玛拉的圈套产前阵痛船续前行木乃伊战士软饭男亲爱的第二季汝掘愈深石子和羽男-这种事情也好告吗?圣诞夜奇迹报童03年夏天传奇的诞生一馔千年第二季降世神通 最后的气宗


 1 ) 《亚瑟王神剑》契约精神:神剑无敌













 2 ) 西方神话电影

讲述英国阿瑟国王的故事,片子名字就是他那把传说中插在石头里的大剑。片子挺长的,从他父亲说起 ,到阿瑟的出生和死亡,都讲了一遍。一些相关的传说,包括后来的圣杯任务什么的,也都包括了。情节编排都挺紧凑的,该登场的人物也都粉墨登场了,Lancelot,Merlin,Guenevere,Gawain这些关键人物是一个都没拉下,每个人的刻画都挺用心的。


 3 ) 这片子应该按魔戒那标准拍一下,否则配乐真有点糟践了。




梅林太可爱了,那真叫一个出口成章 “...looking at the cake is like looking at the future. Until you have tasted it, what do you really know? And then, of course, it is too late...”(亚瑟:咬蛋糕)“...too late...”哈哈哈哈



 4 ) Long story with many generation

①Excalibur is well-known in English cultrue ,so this movie is a very common story about a man became a leader. ②The naked shoot is very artistic. ③The Lady of the Lake is so impressive.

 5 ) 亚瑟王的四次超越


 6 ) Plot from Wikipedia

The sorcerer Merlin (Nicol Williamson) retrieves Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake for Uther Pendragon (Gabriel Byrne), who secures a brief alliance with Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall. Uther's lust for Cornwall's wife Igrayne (Katrine Boorman) soon ruins the truce, and Merlin agrees to help Uther to seduce Igrayne on the condition that he gives Merlin whatever results from his lust. Merlin transforms Uther into Cornwall's likeness with the Charm of Making. Cornwall's daughter Morgana senses her father's mortal injury during his assault on Uther's camp; and, while Igrayne is fooled by the disguise and Uther impregnates her, Morgana sees through it, watching Uther as Cornwall dies in battle. Nine months later, Merlin takes Uther's son Arthur. Uther pursues but is mortally wounded by Gorlois' knights. Uther thrusts Excalibur into a stone, crying that "None shall wield Excalibur, but me!", and Merlin proclaims, "He who draws the sword from the stone, he shall be king."

Years later Sir Ector and his sons, Kay and Arthur (Nigel Terry) attend a jousting tournament. Sir Leondegrance (Patrick Stewart) wins the chance to try pulling Excalibur from the stone, but he fails. Kay's sword is later stolen, and Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone while trying to replace the stolen sword. Word spreads, and Merlin announces to the crowd that Arthur is Uther's son and, hence, the rightful ruler. Leondegrance immediately proclaims his support for the new king, but not all are willing to accept. While the others argue, Merlin and Arthur enter the forest, where Merlin tells Arthur that he is the rightful king and that the king and the land are one. Overwhelmed, Arthur falls into a long sleep. When he wakes, Arthur goes to aid Leondegrance, whose castle is under siege by Arthur's enemies, led by Sir Uryens. During the battle, Arthur defeats Uryens and then demands Uryens knight him, handing him Excalibur to do so. Uryens is tempted to kill him but is deeply moved by Arthur's display of faith and decides to knight him (Merlin is stunned by something he did not foresee). Uryens falls to his knees to declare his loyalty, which leads the others to follow suit. Arthur meets Leondegrance's daughter Guinevere (Cherie Lunghi) soon afterwards and is smitten but Merlin foresees trouble.

Years later, the undefeated knight Lancelot (Nicholas Clay) blocks a bridge and will not move until he is defeated in single combat, seeking a king worthy of his sword. Lancelot defeats Arthur and his knights, so Arthur summons Excalibur's magic and defeats Lancelot but breaks Excalibur. Arthur is ashamed of abusing the sword's power to serve his own vanity and throws the sword's remains into the lake, while admitting his mistake. The Lady of the Lake offers a restored Excalibur to the king, Lancelot is revived and Arthur and his knights unify the land. Arthur creates the Round Table, builds Camelot and marries Guinevere; Lancelot confesses that he has fallen in love with her too. Arthur's half-sister Morgana (Helen Mirren), a budding sorceress and still bitter towards Arthur, becomes apprenticed to Merlin in hopes of learning the Charm of Making from him.

Lancelot stays away from the Round Table to avoid Guenevere. He meets Perceval (Paul Geoffrey), a peasant boy and takes him to Camelot to become a squire. Sir Gawain (Liam Neeson), under Morgana's influence, accuses Guinevere of driving Lancelot away, "driven from us by a woman's desire", forcing Lancelot to duel with Gawain to defend his and Guinevere's honour. The preceding night, Lancelot is attacked by himself in a nightmare and awakens to find himself wounded by his own sword. Arthur hastily knights Perceval when Lancelot is late to the duel but Lancelot appears just in time and defeats Gawain, while nearly dying from his wounds. Merlin heals him and he rides out to the forest to rest. Guenevere realises her feelings for Lancelot and they consummate their love in the forest; meanwhile, Merlin lures Morgana to his lair to trap her, suspecting that she is plotting against Arthur.

Arthur finds Guenevere and Lancelot asleep together. Heartbroken at their betrayal, he thrusts Excalibur into the ground between the sleeping couple. Merlin's magical link to the land impales him on the sword and Morgana seizes the opportunity to trap him in a crystal, with the Charm of Making. Morgana takes the form of Guinevere and seduces Arthur. On awakening to the sight of Excalibur, Lancelot flees in shame and Guinevere lies weeping.

Morgana bears a son, Mordred and a curse caused by Mordred's unnatural, incestuous origin, strikes the land with famine and sickness. A broken Arthur sends his knights on a quest for the Holy Grail, in hopes of restoring the land. Many of his knights die or are bewitched by Morgana. Morgana captures Perceval, who narrowly escapes. Perceval encounters an ugly bearded old man with armour under his tattered robes, who preaches to followers that the kingdom has fallen because of "the sin of Pride". A shocked Perceval recognises the man as Lancelot. After Perceval fails to convince Lancelot to come to Arthur's aid, Lancelot and his followers throw Perceval into a river. Perceval has a vision of the Grail, during which he realises that Arthur and the land are one. Upon answering the riddle he gains the Grail and takes it to Arthur, who drinks from it and is revitalised, as is the land, which springs into blossom.

Arthur finds Guinevere at a convent and they reconcile. She gives him Excalibur, which she has kept safe since the day she fled. Frustrated in preparation for battle against Morgana's allies, Arthur calls to Merlin, unknowingly awakening the wizard from his enchanted slumber. Merlin and Arthur have a last conversation before Merlin vanishes. The wizard then appears to Morgana as a shadow and tricks her into uttering the Charm of Making, producing a fog from the breath of the Dragon, and exhausting her own magical powers which had kept her young. She rapidly ages and her own son kills her, repulsed by the sight of his once beautiful mother now reduced to a decrepit old crone.

Arthur and Mordred's forces meet in battle, with Arthur's army benefiting from the fog that conceals their small size. Lancelot arrives unexpectedly and turns the tide of battle, later collapsing from his old, self-inflicted wound which had never healed. Arthur and Lancelot reconcile and Lancelot dies with honour. Mordred stabs Arthur with a spear but Arthur further impales himself to get closer and kills Mordred with Excalibur. Perceval refuses to carry out Arthur's dying wish, that he throw Excalibur into a pool of calm water, reasoning that the sword is too valuable to be lost. Arthur tells him to do as he commands and reassures him that one day a new king will come and the sword will return again. Perceval throws Excalibur into the pool, where the Lady of the Lake catches it. Perceval returns to see Arthur lying on a ship, attended by three ladies clad in white, sailing into the sun toward the Isle of Avalon.<a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excalibur_(film)">Plot</a>



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==1==BD.MiniSD-TLF 相当优秀的奇幻史诗巨著,感叹震惊,唏嘘膜拜,充满了神性的光辉和古朴的尊严!。。

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  • 左胸上的吸盘
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  • 灰狼
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很黄很暴力!大半夜看得累死……亚瑟的诞生好囧~(尤瑟说你什么好呢 --)这一版梅林左右了亚瑟的诞生,从小一直守护着他直到被姐姐搞倒;姐姐小时候明明很美很正常,后来居然说有就有 囧 半夜偷袭弟弟,一次就成功了……圆桌骑士出场很有腔调,真正派上用场的就两三个 == 乱伦的果实虽美但精神不正常!

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  • 安德烈卢布廖夫
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那镜头 那服饰 那道具 为嘛有看舞台剧的感觉

  • 青貓
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  • xxuxx
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  • 巅峰Futurama迷
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「Good and evil, there never is one without the other.」

  • Q·ian·Sivan
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  • 文泽尔
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  • 马雅可夫斯基
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非常独特的黑暗魔幻史诗,140分钟时间讲完了 亚瑟王人生中最具代表性的几个时刻,乍看起来像流水账,实则有一股精神力量贯穿全篇,摄影、服装非常用心,几段配乐大气磅礴激动人心,这是一部被低估的影片

  • 可乐李
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  • 导岛
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真够暗黑诡异的,除了兰斯洛特外其他圆桌骑士都是酱油,但酱油里有N多熟脸。Nicol Williamson和Helen Mirren这对老冤家竟然合作了,这也使梅林和莫甘娜的对手戏成为全片最大的亮点……三星半

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