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曼哈顿 剧照 NO.1曼哈顿 剧照 NO.2曼哈顿 剧照 NO.3曼哈顿 剧照 NO.4曼哈顿 剧照 NO.5曼哈顿 剧照 NO.6曼哈顿 剧照 NO.13曼哈顿 剧照 NO.14曼哈顿 剧照 NO.15曼哈顿 剧照 NO.16曼哈顿 剧照 NO.17曼哈顿 剧照 NO.18曼哈顿 剧照 NO.19曼哈顿 剧照 NO.20



  40岁的艾萨克·戴维斯(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)在写作上不算成功,在感情上更是一团糟。一方面,为了另一个女人而离开他的前妻吉尔(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)打算出版一本有关他们私密婚姻生活的书,另一方面,17岁的女孩翠西(玛瑞儿·海明 威 Mariel Hemingway 饰)对于这段他并不打算认真经营的感情投入了越来越多的热情。在这个节骨眼上,好友耶尔(迈克尔·莫菲Michael Murphy饰)的情人玛丽(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)闯入了戴维斯的视线,风趣的谈吐,投机的话题,一切的一切都为两人的感情擦出了火花。3个男人,3个女人,在曼哈顿这个繁华又孤单的城市,这群成年人究竟该用何种方式来道德并公正的解决他们的感情问题呢?

热播电视剧最新电影动物星球之惊奇之岛老友记 第七季爱情进化论2014恋上纯喫茶暗黑第一季英雄正传1986急速逃脱(普通话)赤裸证人出差•沟通之神 - 瑞镇家篇中间人先生第一季烈性摔跤甜蜜之禁星际特工队拉丁美洲欲海星沉深海浩劫蒲公英挑战美国的英雄:科林·卡佩尼克的故事七人乐队(国语版)星际迷航3:超越星辰(普通话)深深地恋爱学习中!死寂逃亡(原声版)罗密欧和朱丽叶聊斋志异三集腐花之雨胎记河南嵩山少林寺涡轮增压


 1 ) 伍迪艾伦给纽约的情书

          “He adored New York City.” (Manhattan)Of course. Why else would Woody Allen title his film Manhattan? He makes it clear from the very beginning that this film is dedicated to the city. Seeing Midtown in black and white unfolding to the rhythm of “Rhapsody in Blue”, the audience romanticizes the city together with Allen and eagerly awaits what he has to say about the city. And then through the hustle bustle of daily street scenes of Manhattan, we hear it, “a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture”(Manhattan).
          Before we proceed, we shall ask ourselves, what is the “contemporary culture” that Allen is referring to? The film was released in 1979 and the “Manhattan” he refers to is the one in the 70s. New York City in the 1970s was “dirty, dangerous and destitute”(Tannenbaum). Crimes were rampant around the city and Times Square was filled with hookers and drug dealers. The economic chaos and political upheaval brought by the war and Watergate rendered the city powerless in the face of crisis. It is not surprising that Allen was heartbroken, seeing his beloved city turning into a nest of crimes and drugs. While Manhattan is not Taxi Driver, which exposes the crimes of New York unreservedly and praises actions against them, that doesn’t mean Allen shies away from all the trouble the city and the society is in. He turns it, instead, into a celebration of New York and the people living in it. Allen, born in Brooklyn, has spent his entire life living in the city, knowing all the bits and pieces about it. Certainly it is far from perfection, but neither is anything else. Nonetheless Allen knows that New York is a great city, and the reason is written all over Manhattan, from the stunning 59th Street Bridge at dawn to the enchanting and dark Planetarium in the American Museum of Natural History.
          The film centers on four people living in Manhattan, Isaac (played by Allen himself), Mary, Yale and Tracy. These characters embody the spirit of the city. All of them are highly educated and possess rich cultural knowledge. Cultural debates take place among them throughout the film. The most heated debate happens when Isaac meets Mary at an art fair, where Mary criticizes the photography Isaac likes as derivative and witless and praises the steel cube Isaac dislikes as textual and “has a marvelous kind of negative capability”, which is clearly a reference to John Keats. These polished critiques of art clearly reflects their knowledge and insight in art. Thanks to the city’s inexhaustible amount of cultural institutions, numerous scenes in the film take place in museums, art galleries and special art exhibits, which allows these debates to happen. These characters themselves also work in television, book editing and universities. They are supposed to represent the intellect of this city that is famous for its huge international media conglomerates, Broadway and several of the greatest museums in the world, among others. Allen himself obviously takes pride in the status of New York as one of world’s greatest cultural capitals. When Mary later says that she is from Philadelphia, believes in God and does not want to have this conversation, Isaac is confused by what Mary means by that. But we know for sure that Allen himself isn’t. From these characters, we can see how the status of New York as a cultural capital affects the way they live and shape them as who they are.
          However, apart from their glamorous appearance and fanciful cultural glossary, what is truly intriguing about those characters is the problems they each have, just as in the case of New York City. A lot of their problems have to do with their relationships and emotions. For Isaac, the fact that he is involved with a teenage girl, Tracy, bothers him greatly. Upon knowing that Tracy goes to a high school, Mary wittingly remarks that “somewhere Nabakov is smiling”, referring to the devastating relationship between Lolita and Humbert in the novel Lolita. If anything, the feelings Humbert has for Lolita, a girl much younger than his age, ruins his life almost completely. After Lolita disappears all of a sudden one day, Humbert goes on a frantic search for her that lasts years. When he finally finds her at the end, he goes on a killing spree of her abductor that ends in a disaster. Though not nearly the case of Lolita, the relationship between Isaac and Tracy is equally troublesome because of the age gap. The difference here is that Isaac keeps things under control because he knows that he might wind up in a similar situation as Humbert if he lets things go freewheeling. But at the end, feelings still get the upper hand. Yet the struggle of Isaac is the battle between his ideal and his morality. The same thing can be said about Mary, who is involved in an extra-marital relationship with Yale. She constantly repeats that she is from Philadelphia and her parents are married for 43 years and “nobody cheats at all”. This indicates her repulsion towards the nature of her relationship with Yale because she knows that “this is going nowhere” and she’s merely wasting her time. She knows that she is “young, highly intelligent and got everything going for [her]” yet she is “wasting herself on a married man”. This happens to the best of us. Regardless of how much knowledge one has or how well-to-do one is, it seems inevitable that we at some point struggle to find the right places for ourselves. This is especially true for New Yorkers in the 1970s who all of a sudden find themselves in the middle of an ailing city. Allen’s film, clearly dedicated to this city and all the problems it has, rings a bell among audiences.
          Is there anyway that these problems can be solved? Allen certainly explores some of the possibilities in this film. He has an earnest appreciation for great minds, which he constantly shows in various films. Notably, Interior is written in the style of Ingmar Bergman and Stardust Memories is a remake of Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2. There are also several references to Bergman and Fellini in Manhattan itself, showing their tremendous influence on Woody Allen. When Mary includes Ingmar Bergman in her “Academy of the Overrated”, Isaac rebuts with “Bergman? Bergman is the only genius in cinema today.” Later on, after meeting Mary’s friends at MoMA, Isaac remarks that “it’s an interesting group of people, your friends. It’s like the cast of a Fellini movie”. Apart from the apparent influence, is Allen suggesting that we should rely on them to solve our own problems? Mary doubts so, harshly criticizing that “it is the dignifying of one's own psychological and sexual hangups by attaching them to these grandiose philosophical issues”. It suggests that appreciation for the great minds is merely a hypocritical dignification of one’s own problems, but not the solution to them. In the case of Manhattan, we can see that the abundance of culture institutions and marvelous exhibits still cannot save Times Square from becoming the haven for prostitutes. Maybe art merely provides us a way to recognize or discern the problems, but fails to actually prevent them from happening.
       Allen then goes on to explore other possibilities, again through Mary’s voice. At this point we can see that while Isaac clearly represents Allen himself, Mary can be considered the “other” in his mind that constantly doubts the “self” and proposes alternative ideas. In this case, in an intimate setting at the planetarium, their heads appear as silhouettes in front of a huge bright image of Saturn. The dark images of heads seem to suggest the insignificance of their appearance at this point and the importance of their ideas instead. Mary suddenly asks Isaac fondly how many satellites of Saturn he knows, and Isaac frankly admits that he doesn’t know any. As Mary boasts that she “got a million facts on [her] fingertips”, Isaac defends himself calmly with “nothing worth knowing can be understood with the mind. Everything really valuable has to enter you through a different opening”. “Where would we be without rational thought?”, asks Mary in disbelief, to which Isaac quickly responds with “You rely too much on your brain. And the brain is the most overrated organ.” What we have here is a debate between rationality and emotionality, which has certain connections with the previous discussion regarding the great minds but is one step further. Mary, critical of the importance of great minds, relies on her own instead and emphasizes on rational thought, while Isaac suggests that rational thought cannot get us anywhere. The “different opening” Isaac talks about here must be emotions, unrelated to mind and rationality, yet makes up a huge part of our lives. Isaac, thus, may appreciate the great minds precisely for their emotional capabilities, the way they stir up feelings inside us that we might not have before. But aren’t feelings the cause of all the problems in the film to begin with? Mary describes her extra-marital relationship with Yale as “a no-win situation” and the only thing that keeps them from getting out of that dreadful situation is their feelings for each other. However, when Yale rationalizes everything and finally decides to break up with her, he becomes “depressed and confused”. It seems that rational thought cannot really help them out here, and feelings only make it worse. It has come a full circle since we started.
          Isn’t it just like New York City in the 1970s? As the fiscal crisis loomed over the city, there was really little people could do. The police couldn’t do anything about the soaring crime rates since they needed money and thus were corrupted themselves. Anyone fond of rebuilding the city’s ailing infrastructure couldn’t change the situation because people have lost their faith and started leaving, which meant that bricks and broken walls of those demolished buildings in the Bronx just lay there without redevelopment. Even the federal government refused the city’s grant for bailout. Any form of rationality wouldn’t work because nobody had the strength to take actions anymore. Emotions didn’t help either as everyone was left in a hopeless and frustrated state. So what was it, as Allen may ask, that could change the fate of the city and the Isaacs and Marys living in it?
          In 1977, Ed Koch was elected the new mayor and he might have an answer to this. He did a marvelous job pulling the city out of its nadir and the most important factor for his success might be the active restoration of hope. At one of his most iconic attempts, he spent hours riding subways and asking passengers “How am I doing?”. In order to restore hope, he used his limited funds to refurbish city streets and subways. He also made a considerable effort clearing the city’s iconic parks such as Washington Square Park and Central Park from drug dealers and broken glasses. Though not the most financially profitable conducts, these acts essentially changed people’s attitude toward the city. People once again started having hopes for the city to come back to its glory. And that’s a starting point for any significant changes since you need to believe in them first. “Nothing’s perfect,” says Yale’s wife Emily calmly after acknowledging Yale’s affair with Mary. She is supposed to be the most agonized character in the film since she is the only one being cheated, while the others are just confused about their inappropriate relationships. Yet she seems to be the calmest and most understanding one. Because she, of all people, knows what a difference it makes if you just admit that nothing is perfect and prepare to make compromises along the way. She tolerates Yale’s affair with Mary and thus she still has her marriage unbroken. Just as how the Koch administration was willing to give up some financial profits in order to reconstruct the public faith in the city. If you are willing to take a look at anywhere in the city now, especially in the Bronx, you know these compromises in the name of hope and faith paid off tremendously.
           And fortunately, that is exactly what this film is trying to do, to give us hope. Just as Tracy’s final words before leaving for London, “you gotta have a little faith in people”, followed by some astounding images of Manhattan along with “Rhapsody of Blue”, as we are once again impressed by the beauty of the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building and the 59th Street Bridge. We can almost hear Allen whispering to our ears, “you gotta have a little faith in the city too.” Tracy cannot stay with Isaac and has to leave him for the time being, just as the city disappointed its people and was in disarray back then. But that doesn’t mean changes won’t happen. “Six months isn’t that long,” says Tracy. And we know she will be back eventually. As for the city, a decade is nowhere near the end of the world. It’s exactly because of people like Woody Allen and his Manhattan that we realize how difficult it is to be free of trouble and how little that matters when we have the right attitude, and a little faith.

 2 ) The Decay of Contemporary Culture

本以为结尾时Tracy会直白地告诉woody fuck off 没想到结局如此留有温情。

the decay of contemporary culture, 知识分子眼中坠落的城市。woody充满自恋的正义感,gossip is the new pornography, 无限提升问题的层次,拒绝接受汽车、安眠药、电视、自己和女学约会的事实;Mary具有迷惑性的修辞来描述感情的坠落,不断堆砌文艺的词汇,试图剖析自己的情感状态,这样的尝试却像作秀一样。

“I came from Philadelphia, my parents have been married for 43 years, nobody is cheating on anyone”。



 3 ) 任何review都配不上这个片子

在写这篇东西之前,我曾对你夸下海口,说什么“曼哈顿在我的血里,绝对能写得比市面上的都好。”事实证明真是想多了。比我有才华的人那么多,他们凭什么来看我拼拼图。但我还是要写,因为我傻啊,别和我讲道理。 * I told you I hate writing reviews. But this one is to you, dear fellow sufferer. Today I wandered around the deserted corners of St. Michel, thinking about how, with my healthy contented approving glances, this is my Paris. A marvelous city. A marvelous city that everybody breathing here, even a non-citizen, can claim to be hers. A marvelous failing city that feeds on the idleness of her past, with a stylistic nonchalance that is, at heart, an incompetence. And she knows this all too well, casting a cold eye. * Chapter One. Fitzgerald wrote in some random book, “the city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world”. Now, are we not at once enraptured and disturbed by the wild promise and sublime beauty of the scene where Issac and Mary sit on the bench facing the Greensboro Bridge? Why these two human beings fall in love is the biggest mystery. He hated her at the first sight. He hated all her talk about “the academy of the overrated” (she included Bergman, how dare her) and the negative capability. She is Paul from Midnight in Paris, the Columbia Professor from Annie Hall, the whore in the Whore of Mensa, Ellen Page from to Rome with Love. She is Woody Allen’s archenemy – the original self-possessed pseudo-intellectual. Now I’m writing all this on my inhibited memory, so bear with me if I get the lines wrong. Mary confessed, at one point, about her feeling towards the penis, that she’s both attracted to and repelled by it. A Freudian moment. There’s desire, and there’s repression. And this desire starts with an absence, an interval, a (moment of) lack. Like homophobics whose repression of attraction is transformed into hatred, Issac is saying “no” to these pseudo-intellectuals because, the hell, who can say he is not one himself? * I’ve discussed this with you: when the Columbia professor from Annie Hall started to talk about McLuhan in the queue, Woody broke the fourth wall to drag the real McLuhan into this scene, and “made” him say the following words: Man in Theatre Line: Oh really, really? I happen to teach a class at Columbia called “TV, Media, and Culture.” So I think that my insights into Mr. McLuhan, well, have a great deal of validity! Alvy Singer: Oh, do ya? Well, that's funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here, so, so, yeah, just lemme lemme lemme — [pulls McLuhan from behind a nearby poster stand] — Come over here for a second. Tell him! Marshall McLuhan: I heard what you were saying. You know nothing of my work. You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. How you ever got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing. Alvy Singer: [breaking the fourth wall] Boy, if life were only like this! He said, if life were only like this. To this fictional scene, McLuhan is God, in the sense that he is the real and the supposedly “all-knowing”. The whole scene has a disturbing flavor of testing God and demanding a miracle. Remember Ivan Karamazov? You do not tempt the Lord. If you tempt God you will lose all faith in him and will dash into pieces against the earth. Woody wants to be the God of Truth, like when Issac told Yale that he would like to model himself after God. But look closely at McLuhan’s lines, and you’ll be amazed by director’s level of self-censorship. You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. His fallacy? This God of his is a God of fallacy. * He hated Mary, because he is Mary. * And because he is Mary, this is the gradual collapse of a history of narcissism. Just kidding. 太晚了,此刻我忽然不想谈论哲学,也不想写英文。我不想写yale-issac-mary之间的俄狄浦斯三角论,不想写Mary如何是一个woody女性角色标本化的试验品,不想写the double consciousness of the director。也许我应该停止理论化无法被理论化的情感,而去捕风捉影。我将他们在从Fellini片场走出来的那一段对话看了一遍又一遍,试图发现相爱的节点。 于是我有了一个新发现:不爱。 与yale的生物教室对峙,他念出了Zelda Fitzgerald这个名字。 See, I've always had this penchant... ...for what I call " kamikaze women." I call them kamikazes because they crash their plane. They crash it into you, and you die with them. As soon as there's little chance of it working out... ...something clicks in my mind. Maybe because I'm a writer. A dramatic or aesthetic component becomes right... ...and I go after that person. There's a certain dramatic ambience that's almost... ...as if I fall in love with the situation. - 《husbands and wives》 一种互相了解的错觉,词汇间的游戏,陈词滥调。Godard说要和语言暴君说再见。词汇和幻想,组成了这段似是而非的爱情。Adam Phillips 说我们永远不是在爱一个人的整体,而是爱一个手势,一个句子,一个笑 – 某种意义上我们都是fetishists – 而这是会失掉的。幻想一旦成为了现实就会失掉。Woody一直在翻来覆去说类似的话,你记不记得在Everyone says I love you里,Woody的角色(你看,这样的角色总是导演的)因为心理医生的情报,了解到Julia Roberts的每一个癖好每一个幻想每一个梦,他于是可以扮演一个完美情人,租一个在巴黎的完美房间,和她讨论完美的Tintoretto,完美的Bora Bora。然而她最终还是离开了他,“我的幻梦已经实现,于是我不再害怕它们了。” 我的幻梦已经实现,于是不再害怕,也不再需要了。 Mary和Issac的场景都十分戏剧化,一个精心搭建小心维护的世界 – fellini的party,午夜的曼哈顿,下着暴雨的天文馆 – 当场景慢慢的移到屋檐下,移到日复一日之中去,这场戏就悄然落幕了。 而此刻,tracy,tracy’s face, in her absence, 又成为了可以拿来造梦的东西。 Why is life worth living? It's a very good question. Um... Well, There are certain things I guess that make it worthwhile. Like what... okay... um... For me, uh... ooh... I would say... what, Groucho Marx, to name one thing... and Wilie Mays... and um... the 2nd movement of the Jupiter Symphony... and um... Louis Armstrong, recording of Potato Head Blues... um... Swedish movies, naturally... Sentimental Education by Flaubert... uh... Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra... those incredible Apples and Pears by Cezanne... uh... the crabs at Sam Wo's... uh... Tracy's face... 可笑的是,他说出Tracy’s face 这句话之前,是一连串的标签与符号,cultural capital。是Mary可以理解而Tracy不能的事。可笑的是,他也对Mary说过,the Mind is the most overrated organ 这样的话。而当他表达爱意,还是要以这些cultural capital为参照系。他已经无法不透过这些滤镜去感受,他明白这一点。他不断地改着自己的小说,认为开头太corny。而且请注意,Sentimental Education,请注意。还有比这更为讽刺的事吗? 太晚了,猫又在打架,抢我的柿子吃。明天写Chapter Three,关于为什么喜欢Tracy。 * Chapter 3 有些任性,写的时候在魂不守舍地看马蒂斯。暂且留着。

【2022年更新,终于在旧照片里找到的Chapter 3】


之前有人评《Celebrity》:一无是处,yet, every minute of DiCaprio gives the whole picture a surge of energy which subsides as he exits.

我此刻在一个挂满Matisse的展厅里,“le studio rose." The monstrous thing is not that men have created roses out of a dung heap, but that, for some reason or other they should want roses. For some reason or other man looks for the miracle, and will debauch himself with ideas, and will reduce himself to a shadow. 我们都是疲惫不堪的骨架。Issac的脸摆在头骨边上是如此和谐统一。He uses ideas to flatten himself, forever looking for flesh. 而Tracy一往无前,毫无阴翳。前两次看我认为这是一种傻白甜,什么pure innocence,不就是蠢吗。


她讲,not everyone gets corrupted; you gotta have a little faith in people.





For her, everything was justified, supremely justified.


Tracy said, let's fool around. Let's do it some strange way that you've always wanted to, but nobody would do with you.

这是我最喜欢的台词,年轻真是太好了,很想抢过来。 * Chapter 4 罪与错,赛末点,卡桑德拉之梦,都是不厌其烦地讲一件事:为了地位你可以做到什么程度。Woody在一个访谈里也说到,这是一个自省的麦克白。曼哈顿里,阶级意识隐藏在情感和图像里——你看到的是私人艺术馆,只为你们开放的中央公园,Invitation Only的晚宴,镜头永远向上,你看不到的是躺在街边无家可归的人。这为什么是一个黑与白的片子,黑与白是什么意思?你说这是浪漫主义,是无可名状的怀旧,我却想到五十年代的研究者们误以为梦里是没有颜色的。梦通向无意识。梦里从来没有这两样东西:没有矛盾(There is no fighting between incompatible wishes – they simply resolve themselvesinto a compromise formation.),没有否定(the unconscious knows no negation, only “contents, cathected with greater or lesser strength”)。简单地讲,无意识不需要为自己写说明书,或是陈情状。黑与白是无意识对道德的报复。我有了一些十分阴暗的想法 – 棕黄色的水,凌晨三点打电话来向Mary求助的心理医生 – 这些都轻轻巧巧地出现在这个世界里,不需要推敲与解释,而是在Issac絮絮叨叨一如既往地抱怨中融化了。最有意思的是,这个故事没有顺序,你可以正过来读,倒过来读,从中间劈开挑出一页来读,都是同样的——同一个故事,同一种neurosis。 Issac的悲伤,在于他似乎想要醒过来,对于曼哈顿,他的总结陈词是“people in Manhattan are constantly creating these unnecessary neurotic problems for themselves - because it keeps them from dealing with more unsolvable terrifying problems about the universe.” Evelyn Waugh也讲过类似的话,For in that city [New York] there is neurosis in the air which the inhabitants mistake for energy. Tracy的作用是——她是一个门钥匙,你可以透过她的lens来看这个无意识的世界,看到这真他妈的荒谬透顶,于是你可以开始分析其中的矛盾,开始否定。当Issac和Tracy在一起的时候,他忍受不了Mary的那一套玩意儿(想要探讨ethics的你,也许可以把Tracy看作是他的moral foundation,然而我不愿这么想)。然而,当Tracy悄然退场,他单独见到了Mary。尤其是,这是在一场标志性的Fellini的晚宴之后(我实在很喜欢这个桥段/表述,还有比Fellini的晚宴更像梦的吗?),他“似乎是”爱上了Mary。他认为这场突如其来的爱情再正常不过,无需与自己和解 – 就好像对女同性恋的隐藏暴力,对class的轻描淡写,对中产阶级家庭观念的持之以恒 – 这些他都不讲!当然,他是一个艺术家,我们不该对他的社会批判有怎样的苛求。但当他对好莱坞嗤之以鼻,对这些文化垃圾恶心反胃时,我还是轻轻地摇了头。怎么讲,我们 – 尤其,作为局中人,剧中人 – 总是选择去看见我们想要看见的,而忽视我们想要忽视的。我们总是在梦与现实之间往返、兜转,在一个时刻企求另外一个,永无止息。他– 一个盲目自信、盲目自恋者 – 总是可以找到Tracy的,她似乎总是跑不远。虽然最后她还是跑掉了,并给了他一条难以置信的人生笺言。 P.S. "Your self esteem is like a notch below Kafka's." - if anyone ever doubts Woody's genius, this one-liner could shut them up. P.S.S. 打算在thesis里加一个章节,揭露作者本人的identity bias, and how that plays into the argument in this whole shit. 不知道Antonio会不会买账。

 4 ) 曼哈顿中的操守问题

伍迪艾伦1979年的电影曼哈顿快到结尾 他自己演的叫色艾萨克斥责朋友耶鲁 你太放任自己了 你没有发现么 这就是问题所在 你的全部问题 什么事你都能找着借口 你对自己就不诚实

艾萨克不只是说 耶鲁为了干不那么有道理的事情 找些理由向他搪塞 他也是再说也录得自我欺骗 当然可以认为艾萨克是更泛泛的指摘人的自我欺骗和自圆其说 保持操守 或者说坚持个人原则 就要求我们既按一定的规则行事 也按这个规则思考 如果我们在不断找借口中太过纵容自己 就失去了可靠的行为指导 操守是曼哈顿的主题

我们应当把操守与坚持 执拗清楚的区分开 通常认为后两者近乎操守 有操守是褒义的形容 虽然坚持是操守的成分 但仅有坚持并不足以得到操守所具备的褒义 有很多不含道德色彩的坚持 比如在居室装修上坚持一种审美观 况且人还会有道德上不正当的坚持 比如专一的 不放过一个有太人的纳粹 性格缺陷也可以表现为一种坚持 比如影片安妮霍尔里艾伦扮演的角色艾维尔 他的爱情婚姻总是黄掉 通常说的忠于自我或许也是操守的成分 但仅仅如此又太过主观 不具任何价值 徒然的自恋者是典型的忠于自我 但这不成其为道义上的善

耶鲁 好 我不是圣人 行了吧
艾萨克 可是你也太放任自己了 你没发现吗 这就是问题所在 你的全部问题 什么是你能找着借口 你对自己就不诚实 你说过你要写本书 可是到最后你宁可买辆保时捷 你知道吗 你现在对艾米丽不老实 跟我也耍花招 下次 你就该在参议院委员会前公出一串名字 出卖了你的朋友
耶鲁 你太自以为是了 咱们都是人 都有七情六欲 你以为你是上帝呐 艾萨克 我做人有标准
耶鲁 得了 你那样是不行的 太准求完美了
艾萨克 想想以后的人会怎么说我们呢 天哪 我们总有一天和他们一样 他过去美春也是个造物恩宠 没准儿也跳着舞 打着网球 想尽一切 到时候我希望人们能念我的好

艾萨克显然认为买保时捷是耶鲁缺法操守的象征 而不是证据 艾萨克的说法事项确保后人能年他的好 也去可以认为这是暗指操守或德行的唯一价值 在于后人对他有个好印象 艾萨克可能不那么认为 他认为讲道德价值是不能从主流观点里探知的 后来在电影里 艾萨克列举了若干特定的事物 没有操守就无法协调理智与情感 这样的不和谐造成内心冲突 带来没完没了的不满足 让人不能坚持做正确的有价值的事 少了德行 只能得到肤浅而短暂的欢愉

 5 ) 每个人都有虚伪的一面






 6 ) 看完聊天












  • Touma
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“生活在曼哈顿的人们,他们庸人自扰,时时制造出那些毫无必要的、神经兮兮的问题。因为这样,他们就不用去面对这世上更加棘手的生死攸关的大问题了。” 不是我更偏爱黑白,而是它确实完胜《Annie Hall》。从霍尔对一个人的哀悼上升到曼哈顿对一座城的抚慰,越混乱越迷人。

  • Obtson
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  • 光年‖影视歌三栖民工
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“曼哈顿悖论”:凡是能看懂的这部片子的、笑得前仰后合不能自已的,有着相同恐惧和快乐的,无时无刻不在玩弄文字和女人的,都是最无可救药的酸臭知识分子,都是最有文化修养的斯文败类(“愤世嫉俗”)。当然,above all,他们都是贫蛋。

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  • 同志亦凡人中文站
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  • 九尾黑猫
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  • 57
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  • 木卫二
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  • 影志
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我默默很不要脸的觉得如果我是直男肯定是Woody Allen的类型,不停被跟我剑拔弩张的强势成熟女性吸引,不停被伤害像小狗一样“内化伤痛成一个肿瘤”,不停把年轻单纯自然的少女当成最舒适的“过去”和最完美的“归宿”。Woody Allen用自己的真实生活证明了他才是“作者电影”最准确的定义。

  • 牛腩羊耳朵
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Wills的攝影好。這個片子沒有Annie Hall的地位高可能是因為Woody Allen用這樣認真刻意的構圖和他的風格和在一起,就顯得有些匠氣。

  • 17950
  • 力荐

从这部戏里17岁女生的温柔到后来Mia Farrow当道再到韩裔养女横空出世的嬗变过程,正显示着child-woman于直男知识分子界所具有的所向披靡之魅力——在这个美丽复杂的城市,在这个自恋、虚伪、脆弱、忧伤的小男人心里,最至高无上的永远是未成年少女的纯真和娇憨(我可没提肉体)

  • Connie
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  • Minjie
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  • 帕拉
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4K修复版重看@phenomena 在所有人剑拔弩张的滔滔不绝中,只有年轻女孩看上去是超脱的,因她还没有遭受生活孤独乏味的迎头痛击,她有大把的青春,绝对的自信,尚未学会像成年人那样用苍白的言语掩盖内心的不安全感。这样的她又怎么会懂得,六个月的时间有多漫长呢?

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  • xīn
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  • 欢乐分裂
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——You have to have a little faith in people.那一刻,话痨伍迪·艾伦终于安静了。

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  • 如花就是小妖
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