An Episcopal Bishop, Henry Brougham, has been working for months on the plans for an elaborate new cathedral which he hopes will be paid for primarily by a wealthy, stubborn widow. He is losing sight of his family and of why he became a churchman in the first place. Enter Dudley, an angel sent to help him. Dudley does help everyone he meets, but not necessarily in the way they would have preferred. With the exception of Henry, everyone loves him, but Henry begins to believe that Dudley is there to replace him, both at work and in his family's affections, as Christmas approaches.
热播电视剧最新电影超感神探第七季钱形警部亲爱的柠檬精先生2颜如玉BLOODY ESCAPE -地狱的逃生作战-暗物质2007再造人卡辛黄土地山1隐形人欢乐喜剧人 第三季爱心咖啡72小时树妖我的反派夫君阿飞正传夜深不宁静重症外伤中心暗警活着(美版)L L-エル-契卡东西奇遇结良缘无法抗拒的他日版大日子2022Silver-screen glamor oozes from this vestigially cloying but devilishly feel-good Hollywood fable about an angel, descending from heaven in the physical form of Cary Grant, is assigned by the Almighty to answer the prayer of an Episcopal bishop Henry Brougham (Niven), who is preoccupied with his imminent fund-raising of a cathedral which puts a strain on his family life.
The angel with the name Dudley, a choir-conducting, ice-skating, harp-thrumming omnipotent being, comes clean with a dubious Henry of his mission and poses as his new assistant, squires Henry’s neglected wife Julia (Young) to recollect her fondest memory, charms the entire household including the high-pitched housekeeper Matilda (Lanchester), Henry’s prim secretary Mildred (Haden), and the Brougham’s small daughter Debby (Grimes), also, convinces an atheist professor Wutheridge (Woolley) to finally knuckle down to write the history book he has been stalling ever since. Eventually, Dudley’s mission is not to build a cathedral, the fund can be wisely disbursed to a more exigent need of its time, but to set Henry’s derailed life back on track, right before the advert of Christmas.
But there is a hitch, predictably, Dudley develops a feeling for Julia, which raises the tension between him and Henry, who runs away with jealousy (no sagacious scribe to inject him with any scintilla of trust in his devoted wife), and it is all up to a virtuous Julia to pull the plug with a lachrymose face to adumbrate that Dudley’s feeling is not unrequited, but bound by a wife’s duty, however tempted, it is too sacrosanct for her to shuck that off, a moral lesson inculcated with a beguiling pretense of cinematic illusion.
While the three leads are deftly treading their designated paths with admirable expertise: Grant is particularly jaunty in Dudley’s backhanded magickal tricks with an understated poker-face, Young radiates incredible bonhomie and saintliness and Niven, taking everything with a pinch of salt, perfectly offsets Grant’s exuding charisma in his own sizzling pique, it is the witty special effects that mostly, gives the movie an endearing quality that weathers with the age and shifting ethos, a self-typing typewriter, a self-replenishing bottle of sherry and a fully-bedecked Christmas tree, it is indeed, small wonders that save the day in Henry Koster’s vintage heart-warmer ensconced as a go-to holiday classic with wholesome contentment.
referential entries: Henry Koster’s HARVEY (1950, 8.1/10); Alexander Hall’s HERE COMES MR. JORDAN (1941, 7.4/10); Frank Capra’s IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946, 8.3/10).
乏味。It's a wonderful life之后第二年又一部天使下凡助人为乐Xmas miracle的故事,然而感人程度如隔靴搔痒。影片里上到老下到小众多女士对天使Cary的亲切好感如今看来都像是发花痴。滑冰戏应该是高潮部分,可惜替身实在太明显了。
2022 Christmas Marathon 9: 在圣诞节当天的上午窝在沙发上哭死。和34街奇缘和生活多美好一样,都是天使到人间施予帮助的“奇迹电影”。圣诞与白雪,颂歌与欢笑,天使与凡人,善良与指引,在这样一个making believe的故事里,还有什么是不美好的呢
"The main trouble is there are too many people who don’t know where they’re going and they want to get there too fast." 滑冰那段真美。天使动了凡心的瞬间,人物特写把情感最有效地传给观众。另外,很喜欢Dudley和教授交谈时Julia处在后景、中间的镜头,这里将她放到观察者的位置,她微妙的心理变化仿佛自此有了私密的空间。配角们刻画得也都很生动,Elsa Lanchester的表演总是很有趣。
A: "I thought was essentially very silly but delightful at the same time, especially the interplay between Cary Grant and David Niven." 看完后觉得蛮欢乐的,虽然出了天使外其他人都很silly(为Grant量身定做?)但不觉得电影本身 'essentially very silly' LOL
如果天使有了人类的情感,结果会怎么样呢?一部合家欢电影,带着淡淡的伤感。这个天使没那么明亮,但展现了电影内外人们喜欢加里·格兰特的理由。 //据说原本格兰特要演主教,大卫·尼文要演天使,说不定会更有趣;比利·怀尔德和查尔斯·布拉克特疑似参与编剧。
加里格兰特冬季套装挺好看的,下午两点看一半看睡着了,第二天才醒(。。)就是平淡又温馨的小故事 我也想有个抬抬手就能给圣诞树一键装饰还会弹竖琴的天使来我们家!