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  In the fourth season of this award-winning show, the action at New York City's 15th Precinct is as hectic as ever. While Lieutenant Fancy continues as precinct commander, Detective Andy Sipowicz, although still a bit rough around the edges, has mellowed with the birth of his son. Detective Bobby Simone and Detective Diane Russell take the next step in their relationship, James Martinez becomes the Squad Delegate, and Greg Meadavoy considers becoming a surrogate father. But one thing that hasn't changed is the squad's determination to make sure the bad guys get their day in court and to also attempt to maintain a touch of normalcy in their personal lives even as they investigate cases that often put them directly in the line of fire.

热播电视剧最新电影传奇办公室星际迷航:下层舰员第一季最长的旅程2015星河办事处穷途有路暗杀兵团双城记1935非法制裁雀圣2:自摸天后哆啦A梦:大雄与翼之勇者三十不立拉警报洛可烽火硝烟里的青春婚礼季七天超越梦想秀2020惠特妮·卡明:猎金寂静时刻2024热血商人真相见证人:三里岛核泄漏事故超市特工第一季幻日奇遇爱,死亡和机器人 第三季好声好戏第二季雷霆行动爵士之王

