• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧





主演:Tip Cullen,Tom Leigh,Steven Blades,Luke Solomon




  Sunray is a riveting revenge story that follows a group of combat veterans on a quest to uncover the truth behind a drug dealer’s role in the tragic death of our protagonist Andy’s daughter. Sunray is more than just an action packed-thriller; it delves into the intricacies of post-traumatic stress disorder, survivor’s guilt, and the tumultuous journey of reintegration into civilian life that veterans face. Infused with authentic military drills and a gripping narrative, Sunray seamlessly intertwines thrillingly realistic action sequences with the raw emotions of its characters.热播电视剧最新电影超级航母里根号地心游记水中生活拜托了!别宠我 第五季东京家族换子疑云舒克贝塔·五角飞碟犯罪现场调查第二季我们的承诺掉链子刑警洪锡天的宝石盒2红楼梦第六部:宝玉化石人鱼之森我身体里的那个家伙蝙蝠女侠第三季谢谢你温暖我的世界爱吃拉面的小泉同学 2016新春SP和帅哥一起吃饭维和防暴队少年游之一寸相思秘密访客 独家纪录片鬼屋欢乐送 第三季蛇案伊丽莎·施莱辛格:永远火辣辣流人 第四季电波少女

