Andrea Absolonová was a talented Czech professional diver with a bright career ahead of her. However, her sports career had been cut short by a spinal injury during a training session at the Atlanta Olympic Games. She then embraced a professional career in the adult entertainment industry, where she became an internationally recognized porn actress. She died at the age of 27.
热播电视剧最新电影大欺诈师razbliuto不良教育2015一百分的吻那年那兔那些事第二季特别勤务监督官赵昌风小唐璜情史玄笔录前传之守护使命纳妾记 第一季因为爱情有多美DVD版只有我不存在的城市桃色陷阱2023年五月天跨年演唱会忍者小英雄3保罗·摩菲打破奥林匹亚 菲尔 希思的故事情迷大话王(国语版)猛鬼爱情故事蓝玫瑰枪心剑刃重建承包人读心人第五季不需要爱的夏天叶问若草物语1964