Under the hot Greek sun, the animateurs at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy touristic season. Kalia is the leader of the pack. Paper decors, glossy costumes and dance shows fill the stage. As summer intensifies and the work pressure builds up, their nights become violent and Kalia’s struggle is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights turn on again, the show must go on.
热播电视剧最新电影超凡蜘蛛侠 (原声版)对手的心十字狂魔他马克老板浪子妖姬我家有喜伟大的自由情深缘起这一年能人冯天贵拳铳残酷物语刚果风云天才枪手2024温良之心香草的每天犯罪现场怪咖乐队寅次郎的故事49寅次郎芙蓉花特别篇伪装大师1:维多女人失控玩家穿刺者嚎笑捉鬼队与狼共舞2 2014雪山猎人