Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s taut drama evokes a reality that is painfully immediate, as the world combusts around us. Alex Lutz (recently seen as the son in Gaspar Noé’s Vortex) plays a man determined to escape with his elderly father (the ineffable André Dussollier) from a wildfire that is rapidly approaching their forested area of southern France.
The pair know all the local roads, and the secret detours, but when they are caught in a dead end, they seem to be running out of possible exits. At once road movie, claustrophobic jeopardy thriller and portrait of a prickly but tender father-son relationship, this finely acted and executed film expertly lays on the heat.
2.5 公路离大海是不是近了点
@ LFF 13号 world premiere 导演主演制片都在场。很有意思的灾难thriller 画面很壮观,在luxe躺在第一排看简直了。虽然主创不愿意强调其在环保方面的重要性 但在林火肆虐的今天 这部片子正得其时,尤其讽刺的是他们在法国拍完以后一年那个地方就真的林火了!父与子与子的关系成为主题,人物和故事其实都很美国化 好在保留了一些法国的特征没有完全流于俗套。结尾很妙 因为如果在字里行间自行拼凑读懂了主角与两个孩子之间的故事 就会发现结局也是开始 也是他循环反复的噩梦。浴火重生 他又鼓起勇气做父亲